New member of the Family

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Kaeji arrived at her house with a smile in her face. Sora and the rest of her friends will go out this weekend.
When she entered the house, she saw her Dad in his hero costume at the living room watching news.

"Hi Dad."Kaeji greeted.
"Hey Kae!"Her Dad greeted back.
"Where's Papa?"She asked.
"He's cooking dinner."He said.

Kaeji went upstairs while Kirishima continued watching the news. Bakugou came out from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Dinner is ready."He said.
"I'm gonna call Kaeji."He added and went upstairs.

"Kae, Come down, Dinner's ready."Bakugou said as he knocked on Kaeji's door.
"K, wait for a minute."Kaeji replied. After a minute or two, she came out from her room wearing an orange sweater and a gray sweatpants.
"What's for dinner?"She asked excitedly as she followed her Papa.
"Yakitori."The older male answered.
"Pa, Do you still remember Sora?"The girl asked.
"Yeah, He's Shinsou and Kaminari's son and your childhood sweetheart."Bakugou stated.
"I have a little crush on him."Kaeji said shyly.
"I know."Her Papa exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

"What took you so long? I'm so hungry."Kirishima whined as he saw his husband and daughter walking down the stairs.
"I didn't told you to wait, Dummy."Bakugou huffed.
"Please don't argue again."The dark-haired girl squeaked.
"Kae is right. Let's just eat dinner."The red head said and they went to the kitchen. They started eating when Bakugou talked first.

"Kaeji, Me and your Dad are planning to adopt a child. What do you think?"He said.
"I'm okay with it. The more the merrier."The girl agreed with a grin.
"When are you gonna adopt a child?"She added.
"We still didn't talked about that. Maybe next week."Her Papa stated.
"I'm so excited to have a new kid in our house."Kirishima giggled.
"We all are."Bakugou said.

Kirishima's P.O.V

I was searching in the dark streets of Musutafu when I saw a child running away from something. I ran towards the child to ask him what is his problem. Yes, it's a boy.

"What's wrong kid?"I asked.
"A N-nomu is trying to take me."He answered while beads of tears are rolling down his cheeks.
"Nomu!"He pointed.

I quickly hardened my fists before turning around and punched the Nomu. I punched it for many times before it was defeated.

I took the child to the police station. The kid's parents were killed by villains when he was 6 and he was taken by the LOV. I asked the officers for an adoption paper for me and Kat to sign it.

"What's your name kid?"I asked as I held his tiny hand.
"A-kio. A-kio Yuki."The boy answered as we started walking.
"Why did the LOV took you? It's okay if you won't answer it."I said.
"My aunt is from the LOV and she took me to the LOV lair when I was 6. She tought me how to use my quirk for years so I can be a villain like her. When I deny what she demands, she starts to do bad things to me"Akio stated with frown.
"She said my quirk is powerful. It's Control, When I touch someone's skin, I can fully control their movements like a puppet."He continued.
"Your quirk is powerful, But you should use it for good things."I exclaimed.
"I will, Mister Red Riot."Akio said with a grin.
"How old are you kid?"I asked.
"I just turned nine last Saturday."He answered.
"Ahh okay. We should celebrate your birthday even though it passed."I stated.
"Really?!"Akio asked in a surprised tune and I nodded.

He stopped walking and started sobbing. I hugged his small figure while rubbing circles in his back.

"Why are you crying, Akio?"I asked worriedly.
"Thank you. Thank you for being so nice to me, Mister."The kid thanked and hugged me back.
"Your welcome, kid."I said with a smile.

Bakugou's P.O.V

Kaeji and I was about to sit down on the couch when we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll go open the door."Kae said.

After a few minutes, she ran to me with a worried look on her face. I raised my eyebrow looking at her with confusion.

"What's wrong, Kaeji?"I asked.
"Dad has a kid with him. He'll tell you the rest, I'll go prepare the tub for the kid."She stated and ran towards the bathroom.

Eiji walked in, holding a brunet child. I quickly walked towards the with worry.

"Where did you find him? Where are his parents?"I asked while I looked at the child.
"I found him being chased by a Nomu. He's alone, his parents are gone when he was 5."Eiji said.
"Poor child."I exclaimed and I hugged the young boy.

Eiji explained to me what happened while Kaeji took care of Akio. It made me tear up when Ei told me about Akio's dark past.

"Why do they do such things to young children like him?!"I shouted in rage, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Kat. Calm down, calm down."Eiji said and hugged me.
"Don't worry. He'll be safe with us."He added as he wiped my tears.
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"We're gonna adopt him, He'll be a new member of the family. Our family."He said and kissed my forehead.

960 words


Bakugou is kinda OOC in here. I guess. So, another member of the family is added and it's Akio. There are so many OCs in this fic, I'm starting to get confused. That's all.

Thank you for reading (^^)/

It All Started At The Kitchen (KiriBaku) [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum