The Raven Haired Boy

Start from the beginning

Armin looks up at me and says, "It's about time, I thought we would be waiting forever,"

"Come on, I wasn't in there for that long," I replied.

"Eren, would you please just hurry up and get dressed so we can go," Mikasa says, sounding irritated.

"Ok, ok, jeez Mikasa, you're very impatient,"

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans and hurriedly put them on, wrapping my tail around my leg before putting on my pants.

Mikasa and Armin were already waiting by the door when I walked out of my room.

"It's about time, come on let's go," Mikasa said.

"Seriously, Mikasa, what's the rush?" I asked her while putting on my shoes.

"You'll see when we get there,"

"Eren, stop asking questions and let's go before Mikasa explodes," Armin said.

"Oh my god, you guys are the most impatient people I know,"

I grabbed my black leather jacket and phone and we headed out the door.

Mikasa led us to her car and we drove for about twenty minutes. Every time I would ask her where we're going, her reply would be the same, 'you'll see when we get there,'.

We pulled up to a building that said Dave and Busters. I have never heard of this place before.

"Are we finally there yet?" I asked Mikasa.

"Yes, we are, and you can finally stop asking," she replied, clearly irritated.

When Mikasa parked the car, I hurriedly jumped out to stretch because we were driving for a good 45 minutes with no stops.

"Well, here we are, Eren," Armin said.

"Where is here?" I asked him, confused as to why we are here.

"Since you said you've never been to an arcade before and your parents never let you out of the house I figured that you would want to before you got too old for it," Mikasa replied with a timid smile.

"Are you freaking kidding me!? This is the best thing ever, thank you, Mikasa, for taking me here," I said with a huge smile then hugged her.

"Well, let's go inside and get to playing," Armin said and pushed us all inside.

Once we got inside, Mikasa got us all game cards and led us to the games.

Armin suggested that we play some racing game which I sucked ass at and I kept crashing.

After a few games, Mikasa and Armin wanted to play air hockey and, of course, Mikasa won.

While Armin and Mikasa were busy with some shooter games, I saw some guy staring at me. He had an undercut and jet black hair.

I could tell by the look on his face he wasn't having that much fun. Then I saw that there was some blonde guy sitting next to him trying to get his attention.

Once the raven-haired boy looked to his friend, I went back to looking for another game to play.

After about an hour went by; Armin, Mikasa, and I went to the restaurant part of the arcade and ordered some food.

While we were talking, I felt someone staring at me so I looked around and saw none other than the raven-haired boy looking at me again.

This time he was sitting at a table with the blond guy I saw earlier and some girl with brown hair and glasses.

They looked to be deep in conversation but it seemed the raven wasn't very interested.

It felt like we were looking at each other for hours but it was only a few seconds.

I snapped out of my daze when the waiter brought us our food.

I was spacing out when I heard Mikasa calling my name.

"Hey, Eren, are you ok," Armin asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking,"

"About what?" Armin asked.

"Oh, nothing to worry about," I said then looked back down to my food and started eating.

After the waiter had come and gotten our plates, I suggested that we go to the bar in the restaurant and have a few drinks.

Mikasa kindly refused because she was driving, so Armin and I went ahead to indulge ourselves and since it was my birthday, no one complained.

Armin just got a beer while I did shots and when I say I got hammered I mean I was so drunk I could barely walk.

"Hey, Eren, I think that's enough shots for today," Mikasa said then told the bartender to stop serving me.

"Mikasa, I'm fine, don't worry about me," I slurred out.

I got up to go to the bathroom and I almost fell off my chair.

When I got to the bathroom, I did my business, but when I walked (more like stumbled) out of the stall, I felt like I had to puke and dove back into the stall and threw my guts out.

By the time I was done emptying my stomach of everything in it, I felt like shit. I had a bad taste in my mouth and I felt dizzy.

When I stood up, I started seeing black dots in my vision then everything went dark.

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