Chapter 39: Drogo's Punishment

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Drogo decided to follow Nicolae's advice. He returned to Agnes' flat. To his relief, she was still deeply asleep. He tiptoed around so as not to wake her. He didn't feel like talking. His thoughts were running at a million miles a minute as he contemplated every possible outcome of his current situation. He trusted Nicolae to keep his word and try to placate Viktor. If anyone could, it was his older brother. Drogo hoped to hear back from Nicolae fairly soon. He sat in a chair and stared impatiently at the door. Several hours went by. It was past four o'clock in the morning. Drogo was losing heart when he suddenly heard the long-awaited knocks. He jumped out of the chair and rushed to open the door. To his surprise, he was faced with Viktor.

"Hello, son," Viktor sneered as he grabbed Drogo and pulled him into the hallway.

Drogo spotted Nicolae standing behind their father. He looked abased and didn't make eye contact with Drogo. Viktor tilted his head toward the door. Nicolae closed it behind them.

"It's time we had a little talk," Viktor said as he took off flying toward the woods with Drogo in tow.

To Drogo's dismay, Nicolae did not accompany them. Drogo shivered and prepared for the worst. Viktor flew for a while and landed close to the spot where Drogo had buried Lawrence's body. So Viktor knew. There was no denying it now. Viktor kept an iron grip on Drogo as he dragged him behind. When they finally stopped, Viktor threw Drogo to the ground and loomed over him.

"If you were in my place, what would you do?" Viktor asked in a low, menacing voice.

Drogo gulped. "I'd be angry," he muttered.

"We are way past that," Viktor said. "Tell me why I should spare you."

"Because... when I killed Danville, I thought I was doing the right thing," Drogo murmured. "I wanted to protect our family."

"By drawing attention to us?" Viktor raised his voice. "By having the police investigate us?"

"I didn't think they would," Drogo whispered as he stared at the ground.

"You didn't think they would..." Viktor spat the words, a look of disgust on his face. "Do you realize the danger you put us all in?" He grabbed Drogo by his shirt collar and yanked him off the ground. "Do you? You miserable fool!"

"I'm sorry," Drogo barely managed to utter before Viktor slammed him against a tree trunk knocking the wind out of him.

"That's not good enough," Viktor shouted while tightening his grip around Drogo's neck.

Drogo couldn't get any words out. His windpipe was being crushed as Viktor squeezed harder and harder.

"What really bothers me is that you actually thought you could fool me," Viktor growled, his sharp fangs descending. "You stupid... ignorant... peasant!"

Drogo realized his existence as a vampire was coming to an end as he stared into his maker's malevolent crimson eyes.

"I have some news for you," Viktor continued. "I know every trick in the book and I am way ahead of you. I saw the way you were sniffing around Josette... thinking you could seduce her with your pathetic, tiny prick! And then you dare bring Danville into my house!"

Drogo started to panic. He tried to kick out with his legs, but Viktor only grinned in a most macabre way.

"Don't bother," Viktor warned him. "You can't fight me... you don't stand a chance."

Drogo furrowed his brow, trying to convey his despair with his eyes.

"Oh... you're sorry... you scared little puppy?" Viktor mocked him. "You should be! This time you've gone too far!"

And with that, he started slamming Drogo against the tree trunk over and over until Drogo's body went limp, like a rag doll's. Viktor sneered as he felt every bone in his son's rib cage break like a flimsy matchstick. When he was satisfied, he threw Drogo to the ground and pounced on him, fully prepared to finish him off.

"Stop!" A voice interrupted him. Viktor turned around in a fit of anger, ready to kill the intruder.

To his dismay, he saw Nicolae standing a few feet away.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Viktor growled. "Unless you've come to help, I suggest you leave now!"

But Nicolae stood his ground. "Father! Listen to me. Please," he pleaded with Viktor.

Viktor eased himself off of Drogo who was lying underneath him like a broken doll, but kept his knee pressed into his chest.

"This better be important," he warned his older son.

"I think killing Drogo is a mistake," Nicolae said. "And believe me... I understand why you want to... I almost killed him myself earlier this evening."

"I'm listening," Viktor said, slightly calmer now.

"If you kill him... how will you explain his sudden disappearance to Josette? And to Lorie? You know the little one is especially attached to the fool," Nicolae slowly approached Viktor. "If Drogo just vanishes into thin air, they will both be very distraught... and suspicious. Especially if you don't call the police to investigate his disappearance."

"So what do you suggest?" Viktor asked.

"That you banish him," Nicolae answered. "That you send him far away... to a place where he can't interfere with your life... with your upcoming wedding..."

"And where would that be?" Viktor's anger started to dissipate. He was intrigued by Nicolae's idea.

"America," Nicolae replied. "You once told me that you lived in a small town somewhere in New England... I can't remember the name... Mystical something or other."

"Mystery Spell," Viktor murmured.

"That's it!" Nicolae exclaimed. "Send Drogo to Mystery Spell until you are ready to deal with him again."

"Send him alone? I'm not sure that would be wise," Viktor said pensively.

"I can go with him," Nicolae suggested. "Maybe Peter can join me. That way you can have Josette and Lorie all to yourself."

Viktor narrowed his eyes. "And you'd be willing to go there with him? You'd have to give up Vienna to live in the neck of the woods... can you really do that?"

Nicolae nodded. "Yes. I will go with him and keep him in line. Peter could assist me."

Viktor remained silent for a while, considering Nicolae's proposal. Drogo barely kept his eyes open... his body was bruised and battered, and he was afraid to move. He gazed at Nicolae who looked back at him encouragingly. After what seemed like an eternity, Viktor spoke:

"Very well. You can all go to Mystery Spell." He turned toward Drogo. "But don't think you can escape me. I will always find you if I need to. This is your last chance to redeem yourself. Be thankful to your brother. You owe him your life."


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