Chapter 36: Disaster!

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Josette didn't know what to say to Anne to reassure her, so she told her what little she knew:

"As far as I know, my husband escorted Lord Danville back to the hotel.  They parted ways there... I'm afraid I don't know what Lawrence did after that."

Anne was wringing her hands nervously:  "It makes no sense... Lawrence said he'd come straight back home... do you think something terrible happened to him? Should I go to the police?"

Josette placed a warm hand on Anne's trembling shoulder.  "I'm sure he is fine.  He probably ran into another acquaintance. Lawrence has many friends... I would give him a little more time before contacting the authorities."

Anne shook her head vigorously.  "I don't know... He wouldn't just leave without telling me."

Josette did not want to share her personal opinion on that particular subject with Anne.  She knew for a fact that Lawrence had lied to his wife for three years straight, back in their Paris days.  It was possible that he had taken up with another woman once again.  Instead, she said:

"If I hear anything at all, I will call you.  Here," Josette handed Anne a pen and paper.  "Write down your telephone number for me."

Anne obeyed mechanically.  She looked completely lost without her husband.  She absentmindedly jotted down her phone number and gave it to Josette.

"Please, feel free to call me if you need to talk," Josette told Lady Danville.

"Thank you," Anne murmured as she placed the folded paper in her handbag.

After Anne left, Josette went up to her bedroom. She sat down in an armchair and decided to wait for Viktor, no matter how late he'd return from work.  She picked up a book and tried to read, but couldn't focus at all.  She wondered what could have happened to Lawrence... not because she cared for him, but because she felt sorry for Anne and for their little boy, Henry.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, Josette heard the front door open and close.  She ran downstairs to see who had come home.  Viktor saw her and gave her a big smile.

"My darling, what a nice surprise!"  Viktor took her in his arms and kissed her.

He immediately noticed her worried expression.

"Josette... what's wrong?"  He asked, his voice full of concern.

"Let's go upstairs and talk," Josette helped him take his coat off and led him toward her bedroom.  Once inside, she guided him to the little loveseat under the window, and sat next to him.

"I had a very odd visit earlier this evening," she said, holding his hand.

Viktor raised his eyebrows, but didn't interrupt.

"Anne Danville stopped by," Josette continued.  Viktor furrowed his brows.  "She asked if I knew where Lawrence was."

"What?"  Viktor sounded confused.  "Why?"

"Apparently... he never returned to her after he came here," Josette said.  "She hasn't heard from him since."

"But that's impossible," Viktor stood up.  "I walked him to the front entrance myself."

"That's what I told her," Josette continued. 

Viktor started nervously pacing around the room.  "I don't understand it," he muttered under his breath.  "I literally left him right by the door..."

Josette watched him pacing around.  She didn't know what else to say.  Viktor looked obviously distressed... his mind was spinning at a million miles per second.

"Anne said she hasn't gone to the police yet, but she's seriously considering it.  Do you think something bad happened to him?"  Josette finally asked.

"I honestly don't know," Viktor murmured.  "But I intend to find out."

"Well... there's nothing we can do about it at the moment," Josette said.  "Have you had dinner?"

Viktor nodded.  He looked far away.  Suddenly, he stopped pacing and narrowed his eyes.  "He better not have..." he muttered angrily while fisting his hands.

"Who are you talking about?"  Josette asked.

"Nobody," Viktor answered curtly.  He turned to her and said:  "I have to go out for a bit.  Don't wait up for me."

"But, Viktor..." Josette stood up.  "It's late.  I don't think you should go out there in the cold and dark."

"I'll be fine.  Don't worry about me," Viktor told her, as he headed toward the door.  "I think I might have an idea about what happened," he said enigmatically... and then he was gone.


Nicolae was in the study, quietly listening to Viktor and Josette's conversation.  He stood up from the comfortable armchair he was lounging in and started heading for the front door when Viktor caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going?"  Viktor growled.  "We need to talk."

"Why?"  Nicolae feigned innocence.  "Did something happen?"

"Yes.  Something happened," Viktor spat the words.  "Where is he?"

"Where's who?"

Viktor let go of Nicolae's arm and grabbed him by his shirt collar pushing him against a wall.  His eyes had turned blood red and his expression was deadly as he lifted Nicolae off the ground.

"You know damn well who!  Drogo!" Viktor's face was inches away from Nicolae's.

"I have no idea," Nicolae whispered.  "Can you please let go of me?"

Viktor loosened his grip.  Once his feet touched the floor, Nicolae cleared his throat before asking:  "What did he do this time?"

"He killed Lawrence Danville," Viktor uttered.  "That stupid, stupid boy."

Nicolae watched Viktor in silence.  He had suspected as much when Anne Danville showed up at the manor asking for help.  Viktor had told him he didn't want Lawrence dead... just scared enough to stay away.  Nicolae hadn't seen Drogo since that fateful night, but he reckoned his brother was hiding at one of his paramours' places.

"I truly don't know where Drogo is," Nicolae said quietly.  "What is your plan?"

Viktor shook his head, full of anger and despair.  "He has no idea what he's done!  We have to find out where Lawrence's body is... before somebody else does."

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