Chapter 8: A Visit From Viktor

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October 1906 was unusually sunny and mild.  Josette took Lorelei for long walks through the park where they could both enjoy the fresh autumn air that was filled with the scent of dry leaves.  Papa had purchased her a baby pram in the loveliest pink color that reminded Josette of the cherry tree blossoms she so loved.  She tended to dress Lorelei in some shade of pink on a regular basis.  The exception was for her Christening when she used the beautiful hand-made white gown from Maman. 

Josette was very proud of her daughter's beauty and charm, and she didn't mind stopping to show Lorelei off whenever a passerby wanted to admire the baby.  Old and young ladies cooed upon seeing Lorelei's sweet face, her large hazel eyes and rosebud mouth, and her blonde curls that continued to grow.  Lorelei began to be aware of their admiration, because she smiled at them in the most charming manner, stealing everyone's hearts. 

Mother and daughter made the loveliest picture sitting together on a park bench under the shade of a majestic chestnut tree, the pram parked at their side.  Josette bounced Lorelei on her lap, making her laugh in the hearty way that only babies can.  She sang softly to her and told her fairy tales about princesses and valiant knights who came to their rescue, slaying dragons and ogres to save their beloved. Even though Lorelei was only six months old and couldn't yet talk, she watched her mother with fascination, listening to the inflections in her voice.  She then babbled, trying to imitate the sounds, to her mother's delight.

Since Lorelei's arrival, Josette hadn't given her career much thought, despite promising Maman to do so.  She wrote Count Bartholy back, informing him of the birth of her daughter.  But, for the moment, she was too involved in motherhood to keep track of the days and months that quickly went by.  It was therefore to her surprise when she returned that afternoon from the park only to find him waiting for her in the living room.

"Mademoiselle Lafoure," Viktor greeted her in his elegant way.  "You are looking splendid.  Motherhood agrees with you," he smiled enigmatically as he bowed.

"Count Bartholy," Josette approached him, carrying Lorelei in her arms.  "How wonderful to see you again."  Josette propped the baby on one hip, and profered him her hand.  Viktor promptly kissed it, his eyes never leaving her face.

"And this must be your beautiful daughter," Viktor said, finally looking away from Josette and toward the baby.

"This is Lorelei," Josette proudly made the introduction.  Lorelei was quietly watching Viktor with her large hazel eyes, while sucking her thumb.  When the Count smiled at her, she returned the favor, ten times more charmingly, of course.

"Well now... what a little enchantress you are," Viktor winked at Lorelei who promptly turned her head away and buried it into Josette's shoulder, making her mother laugh.

"She is a bit shy, aren't you ma cherie," Josette cooed.  "But I suppose her name suits her personally quite well," she beamed at Viktor.

"It certainly does.  Lorelei - the enchantress," Viktor chuckled.  "Please allow me to present her with a little gift," Viktor took a pretty little box out of his coat pocket.  It was wrapped in pink and tied with a silver bow.

"Oh... you really shouldn't have," Josette exclaimed, but took the box quickly from him.  "Look, Lorelei... Count Bartholy brought you something."

She walked toward the sofa and sat her daughter down.  She then gestured toward an armchair across from her.  "Please... have a seat."

Viktor sat, watching the interaction between the mother and her child with pure fascination.

"I wonder what it is," Josette spoke to Lorelei, handing her the box.  The baby grabbed it and stuck the bow in her mouth, making Viktor chuckle.

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