Part Two- Setting up

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I look at Rick and ask how much time until the storm.

"About 5 minutes now," he said.

Tom walked up to me and Rick saying,
"So, should I get started or what?"

I look at Rick, then I look at him.

"Yeah, start with the power in the lobby," I tell him.
Tom was one of our hackers. Him and his sister Lisa graduated high school at sixteen. Me and Rick met up with them after a year on our own.
We cought them robbing an ATM. Rick asked them what they were doing,and they said they ran away from home and didn't have any money.
  When I asked why they ran away, they said that there Aunt was going to ship Tom off to the other side of the country to some guys only college.
Tom didn't what to go, but there Aunt said that she didn't care. She said that it didn't matter what he wanted. As long as she had money for wine and other things, she didn't care about Lisa wanting to go to art school or Tom not wanting to college.
That day I looked at Rick and then at them bothe and told them our story. Then I told them they could come with us. Rick didn't like the idea, so I told them if they can get us the money we need to leave the state , then they could come with us.
They looked glade that we wouldn't call the police on them, and that we had given them an opportunity for a new family and a better life.
Tom walked away from me and Rick. He told Lisa what I told him and they started to get to work with the mini generator that he had invented. It can power an entire mall, and it has.
The generator ran on both sunlight and rain. It was wind risistant and wistand the worst thunderstorm you can think of.
As him and lisa went to work on setting that up, I looked back at our other friends. They were still at last a day yard away. I called out to them saying, " Guys, come on! The storm will start soon, let's get inside."
On that note the generator kicked in and Tom and Lisa came around from the side of the building. I looked from them back to our friends. I sighed and said, "where are Mike and Terra?"
Mike and his girlfriend Terra were the sneekes of the group. They are great whith blending in and not being seen.
They are actually the only ones of the group that hunted us down. We had become pretty popular in New York after we took in Lisa and Tom.

  They found us right as we were getting on the train to go south. They told us that they were running away from their families so they could be together.
Rick agreeed to let them in when they pulled out fake ids that aloud them to get on the train unnoticed. They havr been with us ever since.
I started to look for them. Then stared in shook when I saw them on the railing of the broken balcony above the front entrance.
They where doing the scene from Titanic. I myself have never seen the movie , when I told that to Terra and Mike. They just stared at me like I was an alien. They then swore that I will watch that movie before I die if its the last thing I do.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but that doesn't stop them from telling me about it. They where laughing and Mike screamed, "We're on top of the world."

Mike had brown hair that was cut short. Terra had dirty blonde hair that was right below her shoulders. They were both basically wearing the same outfit. With matching jean jackets and boots. The only difference was that Mike was wearing a red shirt an Terra was wearing a pink and yellow one.

  "Guys, get down before you, like, hurt yourself!" Mary shouted, her best friend Anna right biside her.
Mary and Anna were the flirts of the group. They were great at distracting cops and store clerks. Me and Rick found them on the streets.
They told us that they met on the streets and swore to each other that they wold stick with each other. They showed them that they were great pickpockets. They robed guys that walked pass them on the streets.
We let them join us about a year ago now. Anna was blonde with long hair tied into a side braid. Mary had red hair that went have way down her back. As a joke we call them 'Bloody Mary' nd 'Annabelll'.
While I was looking at Mary and Anna, Terra and Mike some how got down and was holding the door open for us. Mike said in his British accent,

"My lovely guests, thank you coming on such short notice. For your inconvenience, all alcohol is now free of charge!"
Terra started to laugh as we all stepped inside the hotel.

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