I'm tired

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I'm tired I've never been so tired in my whole life I'm tired of feeling unwanted I'm tired of feeling sad I'm tired of being depressed I'm tired of getting anxiety I'm tired of being scared I'm tired of being hurt I'm tired nobody knows how tired I am I may seem cool happy joyful all the time but that's all the fake if you actually know what's going on inside my head you would be like wow how am I even able to smile when I feel so down I'm able to cheer people up while being depressed I'm able brighten up someone's day I'm able to reassure someone that everything's going to get better but no one can do that for me I've always been the person to be there for someone but no one's there for me I'm tired of that I'm tired of it I'm tired of pretending to be happy when I'm not I'm sick of it I'm not doing it anymore I can't do it anymore there are good days for everybody  but every day for me is just depressed I feel so depressed I can't help it I can't help it at all and no one knows what I'm going through at home no one knows they just think I'm lazy or I'm just disrespectful or something but it's not that I just feel so depressed what's even worse is my own mother doesn't even understand me my father is completely clueless.....clueless because he isn't even in my life anymore he might talk to me then and there but barely I'm just tired of it all I'm just tired of feeling this way and nobody knows what's going on........

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