I dont know how to feel

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I am tired of having to fight for everything I want
I feel exhausted so every little thing breaks me

She wanted me to get in trouble that's why she left with all of them except me, hoping I got in trouble if asked why I wasn't with them the excuse was that I was sleeping but it was my only way to avoid the dark feeling I had

I am tired of crying

I am tired of yelling

I am tired of being sad

I am tired of pretending

I am tired of being alone

I am tired of being angry

I am tired of remembering

I am tired of feeling worthless and empty inside

All my life things have been taken away from me; happiness, valuables, worth, friendships

Being able to enjoy life on this earth has been very difficult, I literally just want to end it all right now

unwantedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon