you're the problem

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YOU FAT DISGUSTING LOOKING GIRL no guy or anybody would want you around them you heavy-breathing pig your own parents can't stand you, you only think about food and you're self. k treated you that way because of the way you are, you have no one LITERALLY and no one will ever be there for you so just give up and kill yourself. I see why your mom behaved that way to you I understand them all you nasty lazy disgusting pig you're my most hated child AND I now see why people treat you this way, you deserve it, I know you talk about me to your family and that's okay I don't care

She is rude and disrespectful that's why no one wants to do nothing for her and that's why she'll die alone  she deserves everything bad this earth has and in the worst way possible

she is a glutton and a sinful person that only cares about herself she will be broke and have no future

I want to end it all but I'm so afraid i want nothing to do with this earth

I don't wanna live forever I'm in so much pain and hurt

 I always forget how I'm treated and laugh and forget everything that has happened.  MY HEART IS ACHING FROM THE pain

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