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"Hey, Courtney," I heard a voice say to me. "Courtney. Courtney wake up"

I opened my eyes to see Olivia's face in mine.

"Oh, hey. I was sent in here to wake you up. Today's the last day and we need to make the most of today before we leave," she said. "What do you say?"

"No, I know what you're trying to do. I'm not going to let you push me farther down into my feelings for Shayne," I covered my face with my blanket.

"No, Courtney. I'm done with that. You want me to leave it alone then I will. I promise," she uncovered my face and gave me a reassuring smile.

"You better not be lying again," I sat up and looked at her, "I'll do whatever you're planning on doing today as long as it doesn't include me acting lovey towards Shayne"

"It doesn't. We're all just going to hang out and maybe play a few games. Shayne will be there, but I won't force you to do anything"

"Sounds good," I stood up and followed her down into the living room. Noah and Keith were on their phones laughing at something. Damien and Shayne were raiding the kitchen, and Ian was standing by the window.

"Can't get enough of this snow," he sighed happily, "I mean look at it guys. It's beautiful"

"I know, I really like it," I said, "It reminds me of.."

I was gonna say something else, but that night popped into my head. The snow was falling like it is now and Shayne was there with me as we talked. About love.


"You okay, Courtney?" He asked, "You seemed to space out for a second there"

"Yeah, I was just remembering something that happened. It's nothing"



It was now time. We had to leave the cabin. Our vacation was now pretty much over and we are going to head back to LA. I had just finished packing my last bag and brought it downstairs.

Shayne was in the kitchen grabbing the food we had leftover and putting it in bags and coolers for the trip home.

"Wow, how much did we eat?" He asked, "We barely have any shit left"

"We didn't eat that much did we?" I walked over and looked at the almost empty cabinets. "Huh, guess we did"

"Yeah, maybe we should stock up before heading out," he said, "I'm gonna take the van to the store and get some things. Can you let Ian know?"

"Of course"

"Thanks," he grabbed the keys and his winter jacket and headed out the door. Ian and Noah made their way down the stairs. Noah walked into the living room and sat on the couch while Ian walked into the kitchen with me.

"Where's Shayne? I thought he was grabbing the food," he said.

"We have like nothing left so he headed out to grab some more. He should be back soon," I told him

"Good thinking. We don't want to starve on the way back, do we?"

"I certainly don't"

Ian and I got what was left in the kitchen and brought it into the living room with the rest of our stuff.

"Hey, guys," Noah looked over at us from his spot, "Shayne better get back soon. It says there's gonna be a big snowstorm coming through here"

"That might mess with travels. Let's hope it doesn't take too long," Ian said.

Snowstorm? Oh man. Shayne, be careful and get your ass back here as soon as you can.

Uh oh. Something tells me a snowstorm might be a bit of an issue.

Snowfall // ShourtneyWhere stories live. Discover now