What's Your Name Or Should I Call You Mine?

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Chapter 20: What's Your Name Or Should I Call You Mine?
Song: Roots - Alice Merton

Zen won't allow me into the meeting he's arranged with Daliah, but he did allow me to escort her to the room. While she's inside, Kiki will be there and there are two guards stationed outside of the room and two in front of the one window. I don't think she would try to escape unless Zen for some reason orders her death. When I told her, she was worried but I managed to talk her down until she was calm and back to giving halfhearted threats again. I had to secure her arms before we left the room again but she seemed okay with it since Zen had ordered it the last time they interacted.

They've been in there for an hour now and I haven't heard even a sound from Daliah. I hope things are going alright but I can't know anything until they come back out. I just really hope she's behaving and keeps her mouth in check. I feel bad that Obi has no knowledge of this either. He's just going to find out what Zen's final decision is when I do. The door opens with Daliah being led out by guards and Zen follows close behind with a solemn expression. I get to my feet as I feel my heart hit the floor. This can't be good... Her eyes lift to meet mine and she bites her lip as tears fill her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Mitsuhide..." She whispers.

"What happened? Zen, you can't-" I turn to face him and resist the urge to grab my sword.

"You didn't let me finish." Daliah cuts in before the guards allow her to take a few steps toward me.

I can't believe things didn't work... Now she's going to die and my best friend is going to lose his sister and I'm going to lose the girl I care so much about.

"I-I'm sorry..." She mumbles as she lets her head rest on my chest. "I'm sorry you're so gullible."

"What?" My head snaps up to look at Zen and a small smirk crosses his face before she laughs.

"Sorry, I knew you'd be out here and Prince Zen agreed to help me mess with you."

"So you're not going to die?"

"Nope. No prison so far either. I'm going to be under direct supervision for three weeks, then allowed a slightly larger amount of freedom until such a time that Prince Zen deems me trustworthy enough to allow me regular freedom such as what you and Obi have."

"You're going to work at the castle?" I arch a brow and Zen nods.

"We thought it would be a good idea. I would like to see her skills in action though."

Daliah decides she wants to terrify Obi the same way she did me, so I stay back with Zen against the far wall as the guards chuckle and bring her in. Everything is silent for a moment before Obi's voice comes through the door, yelling threats toward Zen, but then it goes silent again and Daliah's laughter turns into a squeal and a loud thud. The door opens and the guards are dismissed so we go in to find Daliah pinned to the floor while Obi tries to decide whether to murder her or hug her.

"She's not going to be imprisoned or executed?" Obi asks us.

"Not unless she does something incredibly stupid."

"Did you give allegiance to Master?" He asks her and she nods.

"Can you get off of me now? Not dying, not prison, probationary castle dweeb."

I hear Zen repeat 'castle dweeb' beside me, making me chuckle before explaining that she has a way with words.

"Hey Mr. Zen, can my stupid brother be released now?"

"Such a way with words..." He sighs. "Yes, I have a job for him anyway."

Zen, Kiki, and I stand off to the side as Daliah ties her hair back from her face and discards her sweater. Obi is just a few feet away waiting for her but his eyes cloud as he notices the burn scars. His hands clench at his sides before he tears his gaze away. Zen's job turned out to be sparring with Daliah so he could see her abilities. They've both been supplied with swords and daggers to use as needed or they can simply use hand to hand.

"Ladies first." Obi smirks.

"Then by all means, Big Brother, I'm waiting."

I'm not sure what Zen expected to see, putting them against each other, but I'm sure he didn't expect their movements to be so hard to track. I can barely keep up with them, it's more like a series of black and orange blurs with a random injury sprinkled in.

"They're fast, but I can't tell anything." Zen sighs.

"Should we slow down then, Master?" Obi calls out and Daliah laughs.

Their movements slow just enough for us to be able to see them properly and I watch as she lands a hard kick to Obi's jaw that knocks him backward. Obi springs toward her and they hit the ground but she flips him up and over her so she can get to her feet. I'm surprised at how well she fights. I wonder who trained her since Obi wasn't around at the time. Daliah ducks his punch, shoves him backward, hits him in the stomach and leg so he hits the ground, then draws her sword and pins him by his throat.

"I think I win." She grins, but Obi latches onto her ankle and knocks her over.

"I hope you realize this will likely go on for hours until you call it. When they first met, they spent seven hours fighting each other until they gave out." I tell Zen.

"In actual combat that wouldn't be a bad thing."

"But right now do you really want to deal with them fighting for hours until they fall out?"

"Not really, no..."

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