Your Hand Looks Heavy, Let Me Hold It For You

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Chapter 11: Your Hand Looks Heavy, Let Me Hold It For You
Song: If I'd Been The One - 38 Special

I follow along beside Obi as Daliah walks just ahead of us, her gaze wandering the trees. She stops every so often to look at and talk to any bugs or animals that pass. It's cute to see this innocent side of her beyond her attitude and violent tendencies. Her mood seemed to immediately improve once we left the castle and then again once we passed through the gates. For not really growing up together, I'm surprised at how they have the same quirks.

"Daliah, don't go too far ahead." Obi scolds so she turns around and sticks her tongue out at him.

"I do what I want."

"You say that now but you'll think different when Master has us kill you for insubordination."

"I've technically sworn no allegiance to him so I am not his subordinate."


"Yeah, yeah, not helping. I get it." She sighs as she rolls her eyes and turns around again. "You're such a buzzkill Obi."

"Excuse me for trying to keep you alive."

"Alright children." I cut in and they both stick their tongues out at me. God help me.

We stop at nightfall and once Obi gathers the wood and goes to start the fire, Daliah shoves him out of the way and less than two seconds later, the fire is lit. I look at her in confusion and Obi mirrors the expression. She looks up at us and shrugs before telling us she likes fire. That sounds like it may be a bad thing, but it's not like we can do anything about it. She grins and starts to poke at the fire with a stick.

"So, did either of you castle dweebs bring food?"

Obi pulls some fruit, cheese, and bread from his bag and shrugs. "This is all I was able to take before the kitchen girls forced me out."

"It works for now, but if we're going to be on the move for a while, we might need to find some food."

Obi passes food around and Daliah takes her stick and uses it to skewer bits of food and holds it over the fire.

"You know you don't have to cook that, right?"

"Duh, but it tastes better that way."

"You're just saying that because you like fire." Obi huffs.

"Don't knock it before you try it, Stupid."

Daliah pulls some of the food off and hands them to Obi then holds her hand out toward me.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm staying out of the sibling rivalry."

"Just eat it, Stupid."

I sigh and take the food, knowing that I won't win if I try to refuse again.

About an hour after dinner, Daliah fell asleep and Obi shortly after. He originally offered to keep watch and run perimeter checks but I'm not tired for some reason. It also doesn't help that Zen didn't want me to leave them alone together which would technically count if I slept. I sigh and get comfortable with my back against a tree and watch the fire crackling in front of me. The siblings fell asleep with a considerable distance between them, but Daliah has shifted so they're closer together. I'm sure I'll hear a lot about that in the morning. At least it's been relatively peaceful so far.

I shift as I wake and groan at the fact I fell asleep especially with my back in such an uncomfortable position. As I look around, I realize it's dawn and the fire died out but Obi is still asleep. Daliah is gone. Out of habit, I reach for my sword as I let out a quiet string of curses. Daliah is gone and she took my sword. Zen is going to kill me, Obi too. I run a hand through my hair before getting to my feet to wake Obi, but as I take a step toward him, Daliah walks into the clearing, my sword in hand and blood trailing down her forehead.

"What happened? You're not supposed to be out of my sight under Prince Zen's orders."

"We were being attacked and I didn't want to disturb anyone." She shrugs. "The men are currently tied up nearby if you'd like to decide what to do with them."

Daliah holds the hilt of my sword out to me with a shaky and bloody hand.

"Are you hurt?"

"They're just scratches, little flesh wounds really. I'm alright. Now, back to the matter at hand, those men are legitimately incapacitated just a few feet away and if we don't figure out what to do with them, I'll forget about it and they'll starve to death. I mean, it doesn't bother me either way but still."

"Wake your brother up and we'll go on to figure out what to do about the men then continue on our way toward the village."

"Hey Stupid, get up!" She calls out as she skips over to Obi and swiftly kicks him in the ribs.

Obi wakes up swinging and I very quickly find myself struggling to separate the two.

They're going to be the death of me I swear. Once I got them to stop fighting because Daliah kicked him, we made it to check on the bandits and let them go with a threat of castle interference then continued on our way. The only problem is very, very shortly after they started to bicker again because Daliah had gotten hurt and didn't tell Obi about it. It briefly turned on me since I didn't tell Obi about her injuries either. To get them back on track I reminded them that we do have a deadline to try to save Daliah's life and they straightened up only slightly. By nightfall, we only have two days to get to the village. If it takes any longer, we risk being late and then Obi and Daliah will be in a lot of danger. I just hope we're not wasting our time and that the files will help to clear her name.

Little Red *Mitsuhide x OC* (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon