One Two Three Four I Declare a Tongue War

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Chapter 10: One Two Three Four I Declare a Tongue War
Song: Turn My Back - Mayday Parade

Obi and I leave Daliah in her room to talk to Zen about what she said. If it is true about the herbalists keeping files on the deaths in the area they may actually prove her innocence if she is innocent. She could be saved from death with this.

"I have a thought. Master knows that I have a history though it hasn't gone in depth, but he didn;t do to me as he's done to Daliah. Why is that?"

"That is a good question, though I imagine most of that is due to you willingly surrendering and swearing your allegiance to him. Daliah came in kicking and swinging."

"In her defense, he hasn't even tried to speak to her so she could do such surrendering and allying."

"Regardless, I'm proud of you for telling her. I think you two are making progress at being close again."

"It depends on if we get to save her or not."

Zen has given us permission to go to get the files from the herbalists, but it leaves a problem. He wants me to watch over Obi and Daliah both and I can't do it if we leave and she stays. I look to him as Obi asks the question.

"Can she come with us?"

Zen's eyes narrow slightly. "Obi, she's a-"

"Criminal. Like I used to be. She may have done some things that are wrong, but she's not a monster. You gave me a chance even after I threatened Miss Shirayuki, so why can't you give her a chance? Besides punching Mitsuhide once, she hasn't tried to hurt or threaten anyone... besides me but she had good reason."

Zen sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Bring her up here, bound."

I leave Obi with Zen and go back down into the dungeons to get Daliah. It's going to be interesting to see how she reacts to finding out that she has to go before the prince and she has to be incapacitated as well. I don't see this going well but the chance to be outside again, if she's anything like Obi at that sense, will be irresistible. I open the door and arch a brow as I find Daliah meditating in the center of the room. Her seemingly ever-present sweater is on the floor beside her, leaving her in a black sleeveless shirt and her black shorts and boots. I didn't peg her to be one to meditate, but what draws my attention more than anything are the circular scars littering her arms.

"What do you want, Mitsuhide?" She asks softly without opening her eyes. "It's still rather creepy when you stare at me."

"Prince Zen requested your presence."

Her eyes snap open immediately and focus on me. "Why? Has my execution date moved up?"

"Obi and I are trying to gain permission to take us with you to retrieve the files. I'm not sure why he wants to see you, but you have to have your hands bound and you need to be on your best behaviour." "When am I not, Darling?" She smirks before sighing. "Let me get dressed before you tie me up I suppose. I feel like that should be reversed."

"Your brother would murder you if he heard that."

"He'll survive. I'm sure he's not the most innocent either."

Daliah gets to her feet and as she pulls her sweater back on and rakes her fingers through her hair, I ask about the scars.

"Cigarettes." She shrugs as if it's normal to have dozens of cigarette burn scars on her body.

"Did Matya do that to you?" I ask and though she denies it, a flicker of emotion crosses her face before fading into indifference.

"Just tie me up so we can get on with it."

When Daliah and I enter Zen's office again, she surprises me by bowing to him. Obi unfolds himself from the windowsill and moves to stand beside her as we look expectantly at the prince.

"Hello, Daliah, is it?"

"It is what people call me, yes. I heard you wanted to speak to me?"

Obi and I share a look at how polite she is. If we didn't know better, she would seem like a perfectly innocent woman.

"Mitsuhide and your brother told me of your confessions involving your crimes. I have given them permission to retrieve the files to compare to your statements, but they want to bring you along. I don't exactly trust you, Daliah, but they seem to have faith in you. Obi did remind me that I gave him a chance after causing problems for the kingdom, so I am giving you a tentative chance. You will accompany them and will be within Mitsuhide's eyesight at all times. If you try to escape or harm anyone outside of self-defense, Mitsuhide is under orders to kill you immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir, thank you for the opportunity. I will not disappoint you."

"Mitsuhide, Obi, you will return within a week and a half."

"Yes Master."

We leave Zen's office and Obi unties Daliah's wrists. She stretches and rubs at her wrists with a scowl, all the while grumbling complaints under her breath. I'm impressed she kept herself calm, composed, and polite during her meeting with Zen. I voice that to her and she sticks her tongue out in response.

"Part of my line of work is adapting to various situations. I've dined with nobles and crime lords, I've been incredibly polite or incredibly deadly. I can be nice when it is needed of me. Now, let's get the hell out of here. I hate being inside."

"The niceness didn't last very long." Obi chuckles.

"Well, it is just you two. I've already punched Mitsuhide once and you're just my stupid brother. Again, I repeat, let's get the hell out of here. I'd lead the way or go off without you but I'm trying to prevent my death, not make it happen sooner."

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