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Chloe walks back into the building and finds Luka already back in there, looking around. "Luka!"

He turns around and smiles widely at her, "Chloe!! I'm so happy you're safe." He says, pulling her in for a hug.

"Huh? Me??" She says, pushing him back. "What about you??? You ran off and didn't come back for a while! Where were you???"

"Coccinelle found me after everything happened. He told me you were worried about me. And that he heard your last name and thought you could help with something." Luka lied, knowing he couldn't say the truth.


"Well, your father is in charge of the festivities today and he wondered if you could get someone into the parade... the guy who was akumatized..."

"Sunny Day??" She asked.

"How do you know who he is??" He asks, slightly suspicious.

"Of course. My mother is a queen of fashion. It's my job to know everybody." She lies convincingly, knowing it would make sense.

"Right. Anyway, yeah if you could get in contact with him that'd be great." Luka says with a smile.

"Alright. Also you didn't answer my question. Where were you?"

"Oh.. I was helping civilians on the streets. Helping them get inside and such."

"I didn't see you." Chloe said.

"I didn't hear your desperate pleas, as Coccinelle put it." Luka says with a laugh.

"What?? Desperate pleas?"

"Yeah... Why'd you leave?"

"I... um.. How much did Coccinelle tell you?" She asks.

"A lot. Said you were worried about me and-"

"Okay, okay! Well then I don't have to explain myself." She says, crossing her arms.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, Chloe." Luka says, picking up his stuff and gesturing for her to hand him her wet jacket. She does so reluctantly and he throws it over his shoulder.

"Let's just go, Luka." She says quietly and walks out.

He sighs sadly and follows after her.

"So... What did you think of Coccinelle? After meeting him all up close?" He says with a playful tone.

Chloe blushes before muttering, "He's alright."

"What was that?" Luka said, a grin growing on his face.

"He's...um... alright." She said.

"Only alright?" Luka laughs, "Yesterday you were all crazy about him."

"Fine. He was cuter up close. Happy?" Chloe says in aggravation.

"So he lived up to your fangirl expectations?"

"Of course he did!" Chloe says, growing more frustrated, "He was sweet and kind and brave and everything a hero is! Whoever captures his heart would be a lucky person."

Luka couldn't help but redden at that, "What? Really?? You think that highly... Well, I'm sure he'd be lucky if you were the one to um... capture his heart as you said."

"Right. I'm just a civilian. It would be dangerous, wouldn't it? I can't know who he is and even so, I don't know the first thing about him. It's just a fangirl thing. Nothing major."

"Hmm... You might be right about that. I feel the same about Minou, you know." Luka says quietly. "She's smart and beautiful and brave and seems to have everything together, yet I don't know much about her. And we haven't even met, so... I guess we are in the same boat, right?"

Miraculous Rewritten: A Lukloe FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now