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Chloe woke up the next morning and walked downstairs to see Jean preparing breakfast.

"No breakfast in bed, mademoiselle?" Jean says, noticing Chloe right away.

"No, Jean. Not today." Chloe says, smiling at him. "Our talk yesterday really had me thinking that it's time to do things for myself."

"I'm very proud of you, Chloe." Jean says, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

Chloe tries to fight the fresh tears welling up in her eyes and the still awkward feeling she has about hugs as she hugs back, "Thank you, Jean."

"Anyway... Breakfast is ready." He says, serving her what was prepared.

"Thank you." Chloe says quietly before eating it all within a few minutes.


Luka woke up to a silent house, neither his mother or sister home. He assumed Juleka had already left, and his mother was working.

Tikki smiles and waves at Luka, "Hi, Luka! I hope you got a good night's sleep!"

"It's the best sleep I've had in a while, actually." Luka says, yawning as he gets up.

"I'm really glad!" Tikki says, eating a portion of the sugar cookie that Luka had bought for her yesterday on his walk back home.

"Me too, Tikki. I keep having dreams about my dad lately. I don't even know where he went, or even what he looks like, but I just want to know why. Why he left us, why he didn't come back..."

"Well, maybe this new superhero form will get you closer to the truth in some ways too!" Tikki says happily.

"You're right. I should be focused on the positives. But sometimes it's so hard when you don't have the answers you want."

"I understand. If there's any way to help you figure it out, I will!"

"Really??" Luka asks.

"Of course! You're my new owner, and that means that I want to help you be happy!"

Luka smiles fondly at his new friend, "Thank you."

Tikki smiles and then flies onto his head, "So are you ready for your date today?"

"Date? Me? With who??" Luka asks in surprise.

"With that girl, Chloe!" Tikki says, looking at him in confusion, "I thought it was obvious that it was a date."

Luka's face reddened suddenly, "WHAT?!? A date??? With Chloe??? I- Does she... Think that??"

"I don't know! Maybe I'm wrong! It's just that girls may overthink about it and might assume it could be... Is there something wrong with that, though? You seemed to like her, right?"

"Of course I do!" Luka says, then sighing, "But... it's too soon for anything to happen romantically, Tikki. We just met and even if I might have some kind of feelings for her, like Chloe said, I was a serious fanboy for Minou. I don't want to rush into anything and risk hurting anyone's feelings or ruining some friendships that have barely even started."

"Yeah, I understand. I'm glad you aren't just going after one yet and you're letting yourself have time to figure these things out."

"It would be the last intention to hurt someone I care about." Luka says, then looks at the time. "It's about time I go, Tikki. Are you coming with me?"

"Yeah!" Tikki says, flying into his bag. "I have to be with you at all times in case of an emergency."

"Right. I forgot about that part. Let's go then!" He says, going out of the door.

Miraculous Rewritten: A Lukloe FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now