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Chloe walks out of her last class to see Luka already standing by her locker, guitar case in hand. He is observing the decorations already on her locker with a small smile on his face.

"What do you think you're doing??" Chloe says, walking up to him.

"Looking at your locker decorations..."

"Why are you doing that??"

"I just...Sorry." He mumbles after a moment, backing away from the locker.

"For what?"

"I don't know, invasion of privacy?"

"You're fine, Luka, I was just asking." She says, laughing, opening her locker.

"Why do you have such a well decorated locker already?"

"My butler Jean did it for me yesterday. Usually they don't let people come in after school hours, but daddy threatened to remove the principal from his position if he didn't comply."

"So you used force to get what you want?"

"N-no! I- I used my status to my advantage! There's a difference."

"Right. Look, no more doing things like that, okay?? Try using your status for good things next time."

"I guess I should do that. Hmm…" Chloe remains silent for a moment, finishing putting her stuff into her bag. She gets up and says, "What if I threw a party? For everyone in my class?? I can even hire that Dupain-Cheng's baker family to do snacks. That would be a good gesture, right??"

"That sounds like a great start. I'm proud of you."

Chloe smiles and then shuts her locker, "If you insist on following me home, I'd suggest we start walking now."

"Following you home huh?? If you say so."

She shrugs, "I'm not the one who insists on walking you home."

"Fine, fine. Let's go." He says, opening the door for Chloe.

"Who knew you could be a gentleman, blueberry?"

"What do you mean by that? I'm nicer than most of the guys in this school, and-"

"Most guys in this school act like wild animals. The bar isn't that high." She says, finally walking through the door, ruffling Luka's hair as she passes. "For earlier."

He laughs, blowing the hair that had fallen on his face away. "I guess I deserved that."

They start to walk, and Chloe looks down at Lukas guitar in his hand, "Do you play?"

"Yes, a lot actually. I like to write songs sometimes, too. I'm not sure if you heard me say when I met you yesterday, but I was supposed to have a concert yesterday after school. It got moved to next week, though. Would you want to stop by?"

"Really? Me?"

"Of course! I'd love to see a friendly face in the crowd."

"Well, then I guess I have to stop by, don't I?"

"Great!" Luka says, his face lighting up.

"Don't get too excited there, you might make me change my mind." Chloe says with a laugh, "Um...are you going to the parade for the new heroes tomorrow?"

"I might. I'm not sure yet. Why??"

"I was wondering if you would maybe want to go with me. To hang out as friends of course, nothing special-"

"I get it, I get it. That sounds like fun, though. I can meet you after classes tomorrow, if you would like."


Miraculous Rewritten: A Lukloe FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin