Part Two / Chapter Sixteen

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Three weeks later

The month passes in pure bliss. Ben is home, I'm living with Noelle, and I'm working on a production I love with all my heart. Ben and I have a regular planned date every other week, I've made friends with my cast, and Tuck Everlasting is about to make its Broadway debut.


<< Can't wait to see
you after the show! >>

<< Can't wait to see it! Break a
leg, Benji. I love you >>

<< Love you, too >>

On opening night, Noelle, her boyfriend Alex, and I find our seats in the Broadhurst Theater. Even though I'm not in Tuck Everlasting, my stomach still flutters with nerves for Ben. He's been so excited about their rehearsals, and I hope opening night goes smoothly. I flip through the Playbill, scanning the names of the performers as Noelle and Alex talk softly beside me. I spot a few names I recognize.

Noelle elbows me. "Hey, Andrew Keenan-Bolger is in this! He was Crutchie!"
"Yeah, I know who he is, my boyfriend was a Newsie." I smile slightly. "Ben told me he was in the production."
She just shrugs in response and goes back to chatting with Alex. The girl beside me, no older than fourteen, turns to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but did you say you're dating a Newsie?" She questions enthusiastically. "I love that show!" Her parents give her a disapproving look, but I smile at her.
"I did say that. Do you know Ben Cook?"
She nods happily. "Racetrack? I love him. He's your boyfriend?" She practically swoons. "You're so lucky."
I laugh softly. "I'm Marlee, what's your name?"
"Nadia," she says. "I like your name."
"Thank you." I smile sweetly. "I'll be sure to tell Ben that you say hello."
Nadia smiles brightly. "Would you? Thank you so much!" She squeals. Her parents calm her down as the orchestra starts to warm up. Nadia faces forward in her seat again, still smiling. I make a mental note to shoot Ben a text during intermission, even though I know he may not be able to answer. The lights dim, the overture begins, and I settle in my seat, excited to watch the new show.

~ * ~ * ~

Once the house lights come back up for intermission, I stretch in my seat. The show has run really well so far, and the performers are great! I'm so proud of Ben. When the ensemble came on stage, I was able to pick him out immediately. As I'm sitting in my seat, I remember to text Ben.


<< You're doing so great!
Since when do you know
how to juggle? >>

<< There's a girl a little
younger than Adrienne
next to me. Her name's Nadia.
And I told her I would tell you
hello for her. She's a big fan.
Keep up the good work! >>

I don't expect Ben to answer until after the show, but to my surprise, he texts back five minutes later.

<< Thanks. Ask Nadia
how she's liking the show >>

I wait until the girl beside me has finished her conversation with her parents before turning to her. "Hey, Nadia."
She turns back to me, smiling. "Hi."
I hold up my phone. "Ben wants to know how you're liking the show."
She gasps so loudly that I'm afraid she'll choke. "He asked me? Tell him I love it!" She chirps. I transcribe her response into a text message, and Ben replies quickly.

<< That's good to hear! I
appreciate the support.
Maybe I'll see her after the
show at the stage door. >>

I bring up the idea of seeing Ben to Nadia, and she agrees. She spins to her mother, who's sitting on the other side of her. Nadia's next mission is to convince her parents, I suppose. She vaguely reminds me of Adrienne, and I smile to myself. I'll be sure to remind Ben after the show to find Nadia.

this is totally a filler chapter, but it's cute :)

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