Part One / Chapter One

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I awaken to my phone ringing. I open my eyes, and quickly shut them again because of the light.

Ugh, I should have gone to bed earlier, I think as I slowly sit up, my head pounding from lack of sleep.

"Hello?" I answer the phone, trying to sound as if the ringtone hadn't woken me up.

"Granger!" Someone shouts on the other end.
"Where are you? You're late, and we have a client coming in twenty minutes!"

Confused, I glance at the alarm clock beside my bed. I give a start. It's 8:37. I was supposed to be at the studio seven minutes ago. "I-I'm on my way, Mr. Knight," I reply quickly, jumping out of bed and attempting to ignore my headache and how exhausted I already am. After I hang up, I jump in the shower and get ready as quickly as I can. My roommate, Noelle, is already at work, so I don't worry about running into her.

By 8:54, I reach the subway station, jogging down the steps. I have six minutes, and two stops to go. Luckily, I jump on the train just as the doors begin to close, and I hold on to one of the poles as the train lurches.

As soon as the doors open, I slip past the people in the car and jog back up the stairs. 8:58. I have two minutes, so I pick up my pace. I finally open the door of the photography studio with just one minute to go, running past the confused employees to the studio. As I'm taking my jacket off, the client walks through the front door. I had made it just in time.

~ * ~ * ~

I'm putting my jacket back on at the end of the day when my boss comes into the room.

"Miss Granger, you were very late this morning," he says in a low, dangerous voice. Great. I can't be fired.

"Yes, sir." I nod. "And I am so, so sorry. It's just that last night was my birthday, Mr. Knight, and my roommate and I went out to-"

"I don't care why you were late," he interrupts sharply. "If this happens again, you will no longer be working here. You're an assistant, Miss Granger. You would not be hard to replace. Don't be late again." I let out a soft sigh when he exits the room. At least he didn't fire me. That's the last thing I need.

The cool March air causes me to shiver as I descend the stairs to the train station. Noelle would tell me I should have brought a thicker jacket.

You've been living in New York for six months, Marlee, my roommate would tell me. You've lived through the winter. You should know better than this. I smile at the thought of her scolding me as I board my train. I find an open seat and take it, leaning my head back against the window with a sigh. Being an assistant at one of the top photography studios is tiring, and I don't get paid enough. But, it's what I have to do if I want to get a job as a real photographer someday, I guess.

"Marlee!" Noelle calls out as soon as I open the door to our apartment. "You're just in time for dinner. I made chicken noodle soup." She gives me a smile as I close the door, but her smile falls. "You look exhausted. What's wrong? Is Mr. Knight getting to you again?"

"I overslept this morning, and he told me that if it happens again, I'm fired." I sigh as I take a seat at our small table.

Noelle brings the bowls of soup over, and I thank her. "You know," she starts, "I hate to say 'I told you so,' but I did recommend we leave the restaurant sooner than we did."

I roll my eyes. "I know." I dip a spoon in the soup and bring it to my lips.

"It's hot!" Noelle exclaims just as I burn my tongue. I can tell she's holding back a laugh. "Oh, Marlee! I forgot to give you your official birthday present last night." She jumps up, runs to her room, and comes back with an envelope. "Open it!" My roommate exclaims eagerly.

Inside the envelope are two slips of paper. "They're tickets," I say, stating the obvious.

Noelle looks like she's about to burst. "They're tickets to see Newsies!" She squeals excitedly. "Tomorrow night! You're gonna love it!"

I crack a smile at Noelle. "Thank you!" I say. I hadn't listened to anything from a musical in forever.

"You're gonna love the way they dance, too. Maybe you'll pick up some of the choreography. Dancer's intuition, you know?"

"I don't think that's how it works...," I trail off. "Thank you, Noelle. I can't wait." I'm admittedly not as excited as my friend, but I'm still happy to see my first Broadway production in New York.

and that's the first chapter!! thank you so much for reading :)
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Ten Minutes Ago // Ben Tyler CookWhere stories live. Discover now