ch-1 Run.

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(contains violence and profanities)

(First /second person pov:kio)

Kio dashed through the trees running as fast as her paws could scamper, any slower and she would be their next meal.  She jumped over a fallen log wincing as one of the feral's claws dug into the small of her ankle.  The two ferals snarled behind her , their teeth bared.
All this over a piece of fish. Either way these two wanted her dead, and she wasnt gonna let that happen easily.

She ran in zig-zag motion trying to throw them off her trail ,but it was slowing her down to the point her almost always silent wolf begged her to run faster.  She threw herself over a bush and ran straight.  If they didn't stop they would soon run into pack teritory .

The smaller wolf jumped onto her pinning her ,its claws digging into the tender muscle. She let out a yelp ,writhing ,trying to get out of the wolf's grip.

The dark fur of the feral was shaggy and un-tamed. This however was common ,as they didnt have as many luxuries as pack members.

She struck him with her left paw and bit into his ear. She used the very little time she had and pulled herself from his grip not long before the other caught up.

Her wolf muttered as she began running. She seemed to have lost them only for one to dive at her from the right, she managed to avoid being thrown to the ground. Sadly not too close of a call as her side had large claw marks which had began to bleed red through the thin of her grey shirt. Her run slowed as she cursed. She was getting tired, and fast. She hadn't even managed to eat the fish, meaning she was running withought two weeks of food in her system asides from a few berries she found on the nothern side a week prior. Despite her fatigue she ran as much as she could until- ...she colapsed. Her form fell to the ground with a thud. She tried to get back onto her feet but to no avail.

The two wolves stalked her like prey, circling her weakened form.  The wolves stalked closer until i was pinned once more. The wolves snarled daring me to move. When i couldn't move , the larger wolf wrapped its jaw over my jugular. Going for the kill.
I thought as it went to bury its teeth into my throat. A loud roar echoed through the trees.
Upon being chased we had entered a packs territory. Unforchunatly for the wolf that had its jaw around my throat it was tackled by a large red(Auburn) wolf. The wolves eyes were a gold color. I froze as the wolf-my savior - fought the two wolves single-handedly. Ending their lives within minuites. My body had already shifted back, shedded clothes being the only thing covering my lower abdomen and chest as i saw the wolve's eyes meet mine before darkness invaded my vision.

(1 hour later)

I winced, white lights invaded my vision as i peeled open my eyelids, letting my eyes adjust as i listened to the steady pace of a heart rate monitor. I looked around the room, i had an IV- drip in my arm and another tube from my other.
The walls were an ivory color and the cabinets that lined the wall oposite me were white. I was in a pale blue hospital gown and my shoulder length hair was in a low bun. A groan left my lips as a woman wearing a dark blue uniform walked in holding a clip-board.

she greeted me cheerfully before handing me some pain medication  before checking my vitals. I nodded in greeting and swallowed the pills not bothering for a glass of water. She scribbled something on her clipboard before walking back outside.

I heard muttering outside the door but,couldn't hear a word of it. I sighed and closed my eyes listening to the faint beeping of my own heart.

"I should be dead..."

My few moments of peace were interupted as the door opened and a man walked in. He had slightly messy auburn hair and captivating gold eyes. He had an athletic build and he wore a white shirt and burgandy tailored trowsers. His shoes where a polished black. Luckily for me his chisled jaw was shaven and he had pure white teeth. He nodded as he came in and took a seat besides me his hands entertwined, resting against his lap.  I went to sit up to face him properly as to not be rude before a whine escapes my lips and i cradled my side. A look of worry crossed his face as he looked at me. I muttered an apology before slowly half-laying back, still slightly sat up.
He smiled a tad before clearing his throat.
"How are you holding up?"
His voice was sultry yet sweet and laced with concern.
" Im fine... "
He looked like he wasnt used to talking but i couldnt blame him.
"What where you doing out there? I mean - do you know how dangerous that could be? You almost died , how would your family feel if you died today?"

I went silent and looked at my hands. My heart tore at my parents being mentioned.

"I have no one. I- im alone..."
I heard him mutter before nodding in understanding and heading out the room.

Once again i sat in silence until i wanted to move. I sighed as i ripped the IV and tubes out of my arm and rolled off the hospital-bed. I waited for a moment before quietly walking to the door and with what little strength i had left i pulled open the door and walked out into the hall. The hall smelled of disinfectant bleach and other chemicals i couldnt name. I stumbled down the hall trying to search for either a way out or someone to explain what the hell was going on. I was a 19 yr old stuck in what seemed to be a hospital. And i was STARVING.

My mission was aborted as soon as i walked past the staff kitchen. Right now i didn't care if i got in trouble ,i needed food. I walked inside and opened the cuboards. I made myself a sandwich and a cup of coffeé. I hadn't had a sandwich in 3 years. Right now i was greatful. After thanking the moon goddess, i tucked into my meal. Just as i was falling asleep on the very same chair i heard yelling and the door burst open. I fell off my chair startled, and heard a sigh. I was hoisted up by my arms as the male before me sighed running a hand through his hair.

"you should tell someone before you left the room"
I let out a nervous laugh before speaking.
"Well i was- buuut...i kinda smelt food and well i was starving after not eating for weeks so..."
His eyes widened before he chuckled. At least i was full now. He lead me back to my room and helped me sit onto the bed.
"I leave to sort you a place for the night only to see you in the staff kitchen flat out. Ill have someone fetch you some clothes. I will be in the hall" he got up and paused as if he was going to do something before he left the room.

20 minutes later a woman walked in handing me some legging and and oversized burgandy tee as well as my undergarments. She left and closed the door letting me change. After i finished changing i stood in front of a small mirror attached to a cabinet and pulled my hair out letting it fall into loose waves. After putting the hair tie onto my wrist i looked at the shirt. It definately wasnt a girls. At least it smelt good. It was a soft material so i was greatful.

I walked out into the hall seeing the Auburn haired male leaning by the wall talking through a mindlink. He looked at me and cut off conection to who-ever he was talking to. I walked up to him and he smiled.

"so um...what do i call you?"
He studied me for a sec before speaking.
"Xavier or just Xav ....what about you?"
I smiled ,at least he wasnt harsh.
"Kioana but i prefer Kio"
He smiled and looked me up and down making me blush.
"like the shirt? I picked it myself"
I chuckled.
"Its incredibly soft! Thank you!"

He took my hand leading me down the hall and out of the bleach infested building and down a alley of rose bushes. I smiled and picked a rose. He rolled his eyes as he lead me to a large building. It was increadibly grand and made of marble. I gasped as he lead me inside.

It was beautiful....

(Hello! I hope you liked this chapter im starting another book and will be writing two at the same time yeah i know, bad idea but i really wanted to write a book like this!  And just to clarify. Xavier doesnt know shes a rogue. I dont believe he would be bothered anyways. Thank u for the unconditional love and support for my other books. Xoxo lots of howls!

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