Chapter 19

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Hi, I'm gonna speed run the rest of this book as well as I can. I'm thinking maybe another 4 chapters.

"We were close."

Katsuki froze. What was he supposed to do?

Just tell her "Hey I'm your childhood best friend and crush. We shared our first kiss together and then we stopped seeing each other. Oh! And you were apart of the great Tokyo Fire and you lost all your memories of me. And it's literally gonna kill me."

Yea no.

"You can tell the truth. I know I was apart of the fire. Momma never told me, but I have youtube." She chuckled.

"And even if you don't tell me I'll figure it out. I'm a pretty smart person."

Katsuki was still silent. Trying to think of something to say. The girl who he'd spent all of his childhood with and who he though forgot him and now says that she remembers him.

"I.. I can't just fucking lie to you and say that we didn't know each other. In fact. It's hard to say anything at all.... Fuck."

He stood up, walking down the stairs. Izuki right behind him,

"I hate this. It's so damn stupid! I hate... I hate how I had to lose you just to find out you forgot me! It's just.." He made a quick u turn to face Izuki.

"I loved you. A whole lot. When I say we grew up together, I mean it. You lived with me god damnit. And it was my fault you forgot me! I didn't make any fucking promise with you! I remember you but you don't remember me! And it hurts so damn much!" He cried.

Katsuki didn't cry.

"Katsuki it's no ones fault. Just the unfortunate circumstance cau-"

"No! I made a shit mistake!" He took out his keychain, necklace he made into a charm sticking out. "I got you this and you forgot it, because I didn't promise to you. I was the one forgotten because I made the mistake! I was fucking stupid and I lost you because I was damn stupid!"

Izuki hugged him.

"Katsuki. Get a hold of yourself. I forgot you okay. It's fine. We aren't at an age where making new memories is a problem. We can start over. But you need to calm down. I won't forget you again. I promise."

The words were so calming. He stopped shaking. The world stopped moving. He missed this touch.

Hugging her back he continued to cry.


Nothing was heard. Just the sound of their breathing as they enjoyed the crisp Fall air.

"Let's get you inside. You use your hands with your quirk right. I'll patch it up. And then I suggest a movie, popcorn and ice cream to end the night."

Katsuki nodded, as Yagi whipped his tears.

"I'm just glad I can hold you again. I missed you so much." He admitted, as he kissed her hands lightly.

"You are one hopeless romantic. But don't worry I won't tell."

One Forgotten(Fem! Izuku x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now