Chapter 15

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3rd Person:
The class stood looking at their teacher who gave them a monotone stare. "Who scared Yagi?" Everyone looked over to Izuki who was shaking, it would be unnoticed if it weren't for Aizawa. Katsuki made his way over to the girl and tried talking to her. "Well?" The girls raised their hands. "We kinda cornered her in the locker room and asked her what her quirk was. But we didn't do anything other than that.." Momo admitted. Katsuki stood by he girls side. Well.. the girl moved behind him. "She's okay now, let's just move on." Aizawa nodded and held out a ball. "Bakugo. How far could you throw this in middle school?" "67 meters." Katsuki shrugged. "Okay now try it but with your quirk." Katsuki nodded and walked to the teacher, taking the call out of his hands. "You Can use your quirk however you need just don't step out of the circle." Katsuki positioned himself in the circle. A smirk appeared on his face as he got ready to throw. "DDDIIIEEEEEEEEE!!" He yelled as he threw the ball. He looked over to Aizawa with a smirk. "705.2" "WHAT?!" The class yelled as Katsuki walked back over to Izuki. "That was awesome Bakugo!" She clapped. Katsuki nodded. "Yagi. You next I have a feeling you don't want to go last." Katsuki gave her a confused look. "All eyes are on me less, until the next person goes up." Katsuki nodded as she walked up to Aizawa. She took the ball out of his hand. "Your old score was what?" He asked her in a whisper. "Um.. I think 59.2 meters." He nodded. She continued to stretch her arms. She stepped to the back of the circle before throwing the ball. She looked at Aizawa. "560.6 meters." The class looked at her shocked. "B-But her quirk.." "Mr.Aizawa could I..?" He nodded. "My name is Izuki Yagi. Daughter of Inko Yagi. And adopted daughter of All Might." She gave a big smile. "But please refrain from talking about it, I don't like attention." The class stood shocked. Izuki ran over to Katsuki. "Hey your score was pretty good Yagi." He ruffles her hair as she smiled at him. "And listen, it's cool that your All Mights daughter but telling the other kids in our class may bring attention to you. Like every day." Izuki's smile changed to a 'WTF-Have-I-Done-?' Face. She turned around and saw all the eyes that had followed her to Katsuki shaking her head no. "Mr.Aizawa.. why did you let me do that?" She looked at the man who had a smirk on his face. "Yagi-San has got some pretty good assets, and she's All Might's daughter? Sick.." The perv grinned before being picked up by something grey. "I knew I should've talked Nezu into letting my son into the hero course." Aizawa glared at the smaller boy before throwing him aside. "We will go through many tests, and the person with the lowest score will be expelled." He said blankly as he walked over to the next station. The class meanwhile gasped and complained in confused tones. "First we will do Ashido Mina and Aoyama Yuga."

(Bean~Chan be lazy here da scores)
1st: Bakugo, Katsuki
2nd: Iida, Tenya
3rd: Todoroki, Shoto
4th: Uraraka, Ochaco
5th: Yagi, Izuki
20th: Mineta, Minoru

"In first place we have.. Bakugo Katsuki. Then in second Todoroki Shoto. Third Iida Tenya. Fourth Yagi Izuki... Then in last place." Aizawa smiled as he looked at the screen of his phone. "Mineta Minoru." He looked up at the small boy who had started to cry. "Surely.. you are joking right? I mean yea he is a perv but he shou-" Momo started only to get cut off by a certain white fur ball. "Mr.Aizawa. I see you are making use of the 5 people expelled a year thing huh? And I hear this one is a big pervert. I guess this is for the best.." The creature started. "Anyways, I am Nezu aka your school Principal! And I came here with a purpose. You will have the next two days off to move into your dorms. And then in three days we will travel to a UA facility to train and try out your hero costumes. Please enjoy your time at UA students." Nezu clapped before walking off. "D-Dorms?" Izuki stuttered. She looked at Katsuki who was smiling towards her. "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

Everyone sat around. Waiting for their teacher who said would be visiting with the new replacement. Izuki was in the kitchen making some spicy curry, and regular curry for the meal she was going to serve of Katsudon. Apparently she had multiple secret talents and the kids of class 1-A planned to exploit them all. She was the (adopted) daughter of All-Might. She would be full of surprises. Like her strength. That was fun, her small physique hid her power. Which wasn't really it. She just trained hard. As for her cooking her mom was never able to cook for her or Toshi so she learned to cook. She wasn't perfect, she almost burnt the house down five times. But they'd never guess.

"Yagi-San. Are you sure you don't need help?" Ochaco asked as she watched the green-haired beauty fly across the kitchen multitasking like a god. "I'm fine. It's almost done. Sensei will be able to join us for dinner! Well.. actually you could set the table for me! That would help." Ochaco nodded and reached for the plates. Iida headed for silverware and Todoroki for the napkins. 'Good they've been to a restaurant before.' She thought and rushed to the rice before she burnt it.

In the living room. Katsuki was dumbfounded. He knew one thing and one thing for sure, Izuki hated spicy food. And now she was using him and 'shitty hair' as test dummies to make sure it wasn't to spicy. It wasn't spicy like a ghost pepper, more like a jalapeño pepper.

He was confused about what happened to the Izuki he knew and loved. Literally. He was playing with his bento cloth. The words All Might littered in green everywhere. The one thing he was glad was the same, the fact she still had the one covered in explosions.

Everyone looked towards the door as they heard it open. "Good evening Sensei!" They all yelled with a smile. Izuki did for a second before she continued to place dinner. "By the way, Aizawa-Sensei, would you like to join all of us for dinner." She smiles as she placed the last bowl of rice infront of a plate. Aizawa nodded. "But first, I'd like to introduce you all to your new classmate, Shinso Hitoshi. My son" Izuki's eyes widened when she heard the news. Her quirk activated on a plate she was holding and it dropped not making a sound.


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