Nearly Threw Hands With A Fifteen Year Old

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Percy was ready for the depression to hit.

"Do you have to go?" Percy asked his older brother, Charlie. "Who am I supposed to go to now when I'm having trouble? I'm going to be alone this year. You really can't stay?"

Charlie chuckled and shook his head. "Afraid I'm leaving. Romania is going to be great, and I'm finally going to be able to study dragons like I've been wanting to. Aren't you happy?"

Of course Percy was happy. It's not everyday that you get to go to Romania to study dragons and meet new people.

It's a great opportunity to get out there more instead of having to stay forgotten at The Burrow.

But he didn't want his brother to leave, anyways. Being smart and a stickler for the rules always meant that he was going to be socially awkward, despite everything that Ron said about Hermione or whatever.

"I mean, yeah," Percy sat down on the floor of his room. "But still, now I have to pack for Hogwarts and I'm not gonna have anyone with me for the train over there. I'm not hanging out with Ron and Ginny, lemme tell you that."

"Dinner's ready," Bill poked his head into the doorway. "Pretend that you like whatever dad made. It's a muggle food that he tried making today."

"It's probably going to taste like burnt frog," Fred commented, passing by the room. "Frog mixed with a log," George added.

"You know that he likes to cook now that mom isn't here to do it," Charlie lectured to everyone, including Ginny who was just a passerby. "Act like it's good. It'll cheer him up."

That's another problem. This was going to be Percy's first time at Hogwarts without his mom here, who had passed away at the very end of the school year due to some unknown disease she had been suffering for years now.

First, he loses his mom. Now, his brother was going to leave him too. He didn't really have much to look forward to when he got back from school come summer.

Maybe it's the break up.

Charlie and his boyfriend, Marcus Flint, had broken up a week before Charlie's seventeenth birthday.

Marcus was barley to turn sixteen this year. It may be the heartbreak that caused him to live in Romania.

It's also equally embarrassing when Percy thinks about how he used to like Marcus. Before Marcus and Charlie dated, Marcus was Percy's first boy friend. Notice the space in between boy and friend.

Considering the whole 'Gryffindor vs Slytherin' thing, it's amazing that the two lasted as long as they did. Year four to the middle-end of year five, in Marcus' terms.

Marcus, being a Slytherin, had acted like the breakup meant nothing to him and conspired to still be an amazing Quidditch player.

But after the game against Ravenclaw when he had cost his team the game, everyone knew what was really behind the lost.

That's why Percy wrote the letters. He would never get with Marcus. Like hell he'd ever do that to Charlie.

He couldn't tell anyone else because he didn't really have any friends, so he ranted about his crushes in his letters.

The first one went to Viktor Crum, from the camp that dad had sent the whole family to so they could learn how to play Quidditch.

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