The truth

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Elsa's POV
I paced my room, the occasional ice shard flying out and hitting the wall. The disbelief I had at first had slowly given way to anger.
Jack had saved me, despite all I had done and said, and then I left him! I didn't listen to when he said pitch would double cross me, and now he's gone! This was all my fault! Deep down I knew that Jack wasn't dead, he was out there somewhere...and I was going to have to get him back. A familiar knock sounded and I smiled slightly as my younger sister poked her head around the door with a cheeky grin on her face. She looked briefly confused at my expression.
"What are you doing?" She asked, and I turned looking at her.
"I'm going to get Jack back."

Slowly, I wondered to the frozen lake where Pitch's plan took place. I sat down and allowed the small ice crystals to dance along side me. As they drifted through the air, some stuck to my braided white hair, while others stuck together before falling back to the floor. That's when it hit me.

Despite myself saying I could do this alone, I needed help. Without the others this wasn't going to work. Unsure of wether it would work, I stood up and thumbed on the ground with my feet, just like Bunnymund.
I stood there awkwardly for a moment, before a large hole appeared on the ground and my friendly kangaroo/bunny leapt up from the ground. He looked shocked for a second before a large grin appeared on his face.

"Elsa! I haven't seen you since..." He trailed off watching me carefully but I was ready for that. I needed to tell them the truth.
"about that." I said with a hint of nervousness. "I need to talk to the guardians, and well, I was wondering if you could take me there." I questioned quickly. Bunnymund looked at me as if judging my feelings but I was set on this. No matter what the others thought of me when I explained what was going on. Seeing on how I was set I was, he flashed a grin, before guest using to the hole. I nodded my head in thanks and leapt into the hole. I wasn't looking forward to this.

After falling for a while, I re appeared at the North Pole. I walked inside the familiar building and almost instantly I was jumped upon by tooth.

"Elsa!" She cried. "I've missed you and your teeth!" She cried pulling me into a hug and I frowned slightly.
"Tooth," a booming voice echoed. "Leave the poor girl alone." Santa walked over, and Tooth flew back leaving me enough space to breath. I took a deep breath and looked up at Santa.

"There's been something I've been needing to tell you." I said looking down at my feet. I sighed, before explaining the suituation.

"YOU WHAT?" Santa yelled,making me jump slightly. Tooth was sitting on a table looking crestfallen.
"Look. I made the deal before I even knew you guys..." I pleaded.
"That's no excuse! It's pitch, didn't you ever know to never trust the boogy Man?!" Santa frowned, I gave a frustrated sigh.
"It was because I thought he had my sister! I know now that I shouldn't of done it, so I need your help." There was silence, apart from the whir of gadgets and the howls of yetis. I rolled my eyes, getting slightly frustrated.

"Fine I'll do it myself." I turned about to walk off, when somebody placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Tooth smiling.

"I'll help." She smiled, and I smiled back causing her to then go on about my teeth. Santa sighed.
"Alright. Count me in," he smiled.

"Your funeral but I'll help." Bunnymund smirked.

Melting (sequel to Cold Shoulder)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن