||Plan B||

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Russia's POV

I wake up again with a thought on my mind again, did I tell Germany? I pull open my phone after a few minutes of waking up.
Vodka: hey Germany?

Germany: yes Russia?

Vodka: We need a plan B this one won't work.

Germany: What happened? Did you mess up already??

Vodka : No, China confessed after being tricked into Japans plan.

Germany: oh, so the attention won't be on you so the plan Might not work...

Vodka: yes.

Germany: then, look this plan might be very dangerous, including maybe fights , but will make America very mad after Amnesia.

Vodka: just tell me!

Germany: geez, well maybe...

Germany: Make America fall for you, making China mad, twist America's feelings, and hopefully brake him.

Vodka: that is a bit far...

Germany: says the guy who already broke a lot of girls hearts, America will just be another one but a boy.

Vodka: No. that is too mean, and I am saying that.

Germany: WOW. The tall, tough, teen that everyone is scared of, is gay.

Vodka: what?!

Germany: your gay if you won't brake a guys heart but will brake a girls.

Vodka: that's not gay!

Germany: wait till the school hears Russia is gay....

Vodka: Fine! I will do it.

Germany: great! I will let you do this naturally, I will pop by to help you will short plans of Plan B.

Vodka: k, bye.

Germany: goodbye.

I look down to my phone is disbelief, Why? Why is Germany being mean all sudden? I know he can be mean, but him Germany usually is the nice nerd, of the class... I smirk a bit, I must be rubbing off on him.

I get up and check the time on my phone. 7:00, ok then I have like 30 minutes to get to school.

I put on a plain white shirt and sweat pants and my hat, I slip on some sneakers and Walk into the hall. "Sis wake up!" I knock on her door. "I am already up Russia" I turn around to her glaring at me.

"What did I do?" I ask, very well remembering what I did. "You know what you did" she says then walks out the door. I fix my self Cereal again.

While I was walking to school I spot America.

America's POV

"Hey 'Merka" I hear the familiar Russian accent. "What Russia?" I ask him while he runs up to the side of me. "Can I walk with you?" He says, I notice his face a little pink. Is that why they fight? Do they fight over me? The thought disappeared after awhile. No, why do I think of that shit? I am just weird.

We reach the school, and I see China. "Hey babe" he says to me while he approaches us, the word is new so I jump when I hear it. "Sorry" he says then nervously laughs, I go over and hug him "bye Russia" I tell him and walk away with China. Was that a bit rude of me? Then the thought of them fighting over me Happens again. What is wrong with me? I shake it away again.

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