||The knockout||(America's POV)

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              "Hey China!" He turns towards me "hm?" "Want to play soccer with me and Phil?" "Sure Ame"  we walk over to field.

Hey my name is America and this is me I am in Collage and Recently got my independence and I am 19 years old, the person I just invited to play soccer with me is my friend China he is 19 as well, and Phil the person I was already in a game with.He is another friend but he is only 17. Great now that you know what is going on, let's go back to my life.

          We enter the field, It is almost sunset but me and Phil like to practice for school (we are on the soccer team) "hey japan want to join us?" Phil asks Japan over on the bleachers "sure!" She shouts over to us. "So me and China vs you and  Japan" I state to Phil "Great game on!" He says.

After playing for about an hour me and China win to 45-43. As we we're picking up our things to go home Russia comes onto the field with his 'friends' "Hey Phil!" He shouts over to him. Russia usually bully's me and Phil all the time. 

"Y-Yes Russia?" Phil asks Russia "I just wanted to play a game" as he approaches Phil, Russia is a tall dude he is a whole foot taller that me and Phil. He starts to punch Phil, That's when I have had enough with this I run over to him "STOP!" I yell at him and push him over which is a huge accomplishment because he is so fricken tall. This made Russia probably very mad cause nobody ever stands up against him.

He gets up looks at me with the coldest stare know to mankind, and walks down the field. Did I JUST defeat him??! Phil looks up at me from the ground and I help him up and we both grin we finally defeated or biggest enemy!Russia sadly comes back with a- soccer ball? 6 ft away from us he sets it down, a kick sound is heard and- everything went black.

                                                                                             In the hospital
I hear mumbles and groans and squeaky equipment, and a very loud beeping noise. My eyes flicker open very slowly. Where am I? I sit up even if everything hurts. I am in a small room with light teal paint on them, next to me a monitor beeping every few seconds I don't keep count, then this tube in my arm connected to a blood packet. Just by the looks of this room I believe I am in a hospital- I think?

A man that looks about 30 walks in wearing a white coat. Maybe a doctor? He looks at me and smiles "you finally have woken up" he tells me "how long was I out?" "For about 2 days" he reply's. Two days!!! My head starts hurting like Hell. I clench my teeth. "Lay back down sir" he tells me, so I lay back down. Wait who am I?? "Umm sir this might be weird to ask but who am I?" I ask "your America" he says. I don't have a last name? "What happened?" I ask "well from one of you friends point of view someone hit you with a soccer ball really hard and your head" "ok then, why can't I remember Anything?" "When the soccer ball hit you it hit your memory part of brain and in cause is making you have amnesia." That is a lot to take in.

"Will ever remember anything from my past??" I ask, I sound desperate... "You will in around a month" he reply's with. "So all my memories I'll come back in a month?" " well kinda after a month they will Slowly come back." "Great!when can I go home?" "Tomorrow maybe it depends on your test results " "ok".

Time skip next day...

I lay awake in bed watching the clock. The door opens to reveal a tallish man wearing a top hat and a black suit "Son!Your coming home!" After he said that I assumed he was my dad.

After changing into some clothes my 'dad' brought me he goes and talks to the doctor, but that is when my dad found out I have amnesia, and I see him start to cry. I walk out and he thanks the doctor and we leave.

My 'dad' parks In front of this huge house, I want to say mansion "wow! This place is amazing!" I tell him he looks confused then gets out of the car, and so do I. We walk up to the door and he opens it to reveal a palace, but it feels so wrong to come in. I can feel a huge grin on my face 2 almost Identical people run over to me and hug me. "Umm who are you guys?" I say while smiling it feels awkward. They both back away and one says "he is crazy" "that isn't very nice" I reply my grin turns into a smile. A yet another tall man walks over wearing a hunting hat and a red and black plain shirt. "Bro you seem a little to happy to be yourself don't you think?" He says to me, assuming 'bro' means he is my brother "are you my brother?" "Yes why woul-" for no reason I run over and hug him. He looks very surprised.

Finally a girl enters the room who looks about as old as my 'dad' "sweetie I am so sorry I didn't come and visit, but I did grab McDonald's your favorite!" I think she is my mom "are you my mom?" "That is a weird question America but yes" "what is McDonald's?" Everyone looks at me in pure shock. I feel like I put water in the fire.(weird comparison but ok)

After my 'dad' told everyone about what I have and for about how long it is my 'brother' gave me an evil grin. "Kids show America we're his room is" my 'mom' said "ok I will" my 'brother said. After he showed me my room I was so terrified of my room, there was a unmade bed with clothes and a laptop on it and clothes and trash all over the floor and my closet over fulled with junk. "What is your name" I ask my brother "I am Canada, your barley older brother" "great to know Canada" I smile then slam the door in his face. I have work to do.

After 2 hours of being in my room I made my bed cleaned my floor, put up all my clothes and pretty much cleaned my room and organized it. I was laying on my bed playing on the laptop when my dad walks in. He froze right in his tracks when he looked at my room "EVERYONE LOOK AT AMERICAS ROOM!!" He shouted down the stairs, eventually everyone was in here. "Please get out" I ask them "very well" my dad says everyone leaves. I realize I have been wearing the same clothes all day, so I change into a big blue jacket with a white shirt and some shorts.

"Dinner"I hear my mom shout "coming" I carefully walk down the stairs in fear I might fall because they are really steep. For dinner on the table there are very yummy delicious food down there and a 'McDonald's' bag down there, we all sit down and they just start eating. I see a very appetizing salad across the table and nobody is going to touch it anyway, so I pick it up and  start to eat it. They all look at me like I started World War 3  "what?" I ask "do you not like your McDonald's?" Mom asks "nah this is good" I reply "you want it then?" I ask her "sure I never know why you ate the meal anyway. She picks up the bag and takes out the hamburger and passes it around so everyone can try it. Last night was weird.

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