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my head spins as I open my eyes I feel my stomach turn and I run to the bathroom the smell of vodka and whiskey coming from my stomach makes my head hurt. Colby walks in and laughs handing me a bottle of cold water he brought in from his room.

"The one time your tiny fridge in your room has been useful" I lightly giggle

Then it hits me what happened between me and Sam it sends butterflies to my stomach and puts a smile on my face luckily Colby went downstairs. I stand up and look in the mirror my hair was still curly and my drunk self managed to successfully take off her makeup and do her skincare but not put on her own clothes but her boyfriends. I get dressed and put my hair into a ponytail then head downstairs.When I reach the kitchen I make eye contact with Sam and he looks back down at his laptop and he blushes and smiles.

"Good morning miss I like to dance on tables" Jake mocks

"That wasn't me that was my twin sister Patricia" I laugh

"Yeah yeah did your twin sister get up to anything else last night?" Corey adds and my heart sinks...... Does Corey know what happened

"Like what" I question

"like arguing with mike over who finished HIS whiskey" Corey laughs

"I DIDN'T FINISH IT HE DID" I say defending myself

"He watched you drink it" Sam chirps up

"You drank my vodka Golbach shut up" I laugh

I walk over to the sink and Sam joins me.

"We need to tell Colby about the kiss it's......." Sam says

"WHAT fucking kiss" Colby grabs my shoulder and makes me face him

"I ummmm" i say but get interrupted by Corey

"Sam made out with me" Corey laughs and Colby knows he's lying

"I knew I should of followed Gem upstairs you two always wanted each other so Gem you know what HAVE HIM" He says pushing past me

"Colby please" I say running after him

I run into our shared room and Colby starts throwing my clothes out of the wardrobe and into the boxes we left out.

" I want you to leave" Colby looks at me with tears pouring down his face "I knew I couldn't trust you. once a hoe always one."

I walk over to Colby and slap him.

"It wasn't meant to happen and for your information it wasn't a proper kiss i pushed him away FUCK YOU COLBY I HATE YOU." I scream and grab boxes and walk down to my car

I look at Colby who is throwing all my stuff out the window and i pick it all up and put it into my car then drive onto the street. I scroll through my contact list until I reach Kevin's name it rings 2/3 times before he answers.

"whats up?" Kevin asks

"Sam kissed me last night and Colby found out and he kicked me out so I was wondering if I could stay with you" I cry into the phone

"Yeah of course you can do you want me to come and pick you up" He says calmly

"No its fine I will drive over"

I hang up and drive over tears fall from my eyes. I reach Kevin's house and I walk over to the door and before I can knock Kevin opens it and pulls me into a dad hug and I cry onto his shoulder.

"Hey hey hey its okay you're okay" Kevin sings while rocking back and forth

My savior ~ Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now