Chapter 30 - Visiting

Start from the beginning

Me: I am

Cole: can you both come over? I'll make you breakfast

Me: we'll be ten minutes

"We're going to see Cole," I say and Vin changes the direction he was driving.

"Why is he awake?"

"Marcus made him get up to go for a run with him and Nathan but Cole changed his mind so we're going to keep him company. He's making us breakfast too," I say and Vin smiles.

"Cole makes nice food," he says.

"Do I not make nice food?" I ask him in a serious voice and he quickly backtracks.

"No no I love the food you make I was just-"

"I'm joking Vinny, I know I make nicer food than Cole because I taught him how to make most of his meals," I say and he glares at me.

"You panicked me! I thought you were mad," he grumbles.

"I'm sorry my love, please forgive me?" I ask and lift his knuckles to my lips so I can kiss them.

"I forgive you," he says with a cute smile.

We get to the club and I ring the doorbell, positioning Vinny in front of me so Cole tackles him instead. The door swings open and Cole hugs Vincent and then me tightly. He shows us to the kitchen where he's making breakfast for us.

"So why are you up this early?" Cole asks.

"We went to Adrian's grave," I say and Cole stops stirring the eggs to look at me.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"I'm fine, it helps to know that he is actually dead," I say and he smiles.

"He got what he deserved," Cole says firmly and turns back around to the stove.

"What are you making us?" Vincent asks to change the subject.

"Eggs, bacon, toast, sausages, and beans," he  says as he points at each thing with his wooden spoon.

"Sounds lovely," Vin says.

"Pour yourself some orange juice, the food is nearly done," Cole says. I get three glasses out and pour the juice as Vinny sits at the table. When I put the glasses on the table Vinny kisses my cheek and smiles at me. I sit beside him as Cole brings the plates over and sits opposite us.

I try some of the eggs on my plate and hum happily at the lovely taste.

"You're getting good at cooking," I say and Cole smiles proudly.

"Thank you, I was taught by the best," he says. "Marcus is a great teacher."

"Hey! I taught you most of this, and I taught Marcus," I say and Cole smirks.

"I guess, you're basically Marcus' dad so I got your secondhand teaching," he says. He gasps loudly and I brace myself for whatever he's about to say. "That makes Vinny Marcus' step dad!"

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