Share and Give: Bullying

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Greetings, reader. 

        As the time of the timely tradition of Christmas approaches and encroaches upon some of the world's minds, there is an innate sense of two things: religion and the act of giving. Now, let us focus on the act of giving.

        The act of giving I am referring to is in reference to the general practice of providing someone with something that will alter their mood in a certain way. This can be purely physical or physical-sentimental or purely sentimental , in most cases. 

        Often this act of giving consists mainly of the middle type: physical-sentimental. This group includes gifts ranging on the spectrum of toys (e.g. stuffed animals*, toy trains, [sigh] games consoles etc.) to young children, and average and above average value items (perfume, deodorant, soap, jewellery, tickets etc.) to adults. But this is often the most prevalent gift type given, which is a mildly depressing fact because physical objects will decompose over time and the sentimentality attached to them will only last so long.

        So, we, as a group, would like to ask you, the people of Wattpad, to provide the community of the Wattpadian world with gifts of pure sentimentality that may span the generations. And what could this be?


        Wisdom through sharing experiences of bullying and of giving advice on dealing with bullying. Perhaps this has been done constantly through the history books of Wattpad but why not continue the streak. The more knowledge obtained from each user, the more assistance humans can provide to those who need help in their time of weakness at the peak of their ordeal with bullying.

        So, in the comments below, share experiences and ordeals you may have had with bullying and provide a snippet of advice on how to deal with bullying, even if it has been repeated an exponential amount of times before.

Thank you.

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