ONE| "It's back on!"

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"RHYS QUICK! It's back on!" I yelled, my eyes glued on the tv screen.

"I'M HERE!" He yelled, jumping onto the couch, a bowl of popcorn wrapped around his arms, he places the bowl between us, his attention on the tv while asking, "why do we do this? You could just pause..."

I shrug, shoving popcorn into my mouth, "where's the fun in that," ah the good old days.

"Isn't this the last episode?" Rhys asks confused,

I shake my head while rolling my eyes at him, "no dummy, its the recap. We haven't watched the last season since like a year, I think we need the recap," the last time we did this was when I still lived in my dodge apartment, not gonna lie I actually miss- okay why am I lying, that place sucked.

Rhys shrugs, "I may have revisited..."

I gasp, throwing a popcorn at him, "you traitor! How could you watch this without me? I thought this was OUR thing,"

He rolls his eyes, staring at the couples on tv, "it's literally everywhere, my YouTube, Twitter, instagram, I couldn't help it,"

I shake my head at him, still a traitor.

For some reason, Rhys and I have become obsessed
with love island, I mean I did get him into it by telling him how cringe and weird I found the show, only for it to end with an addiction...

We caught up on the last weeks episodes, at the end of the episodes, Rhys was on the floor and I was upside down, my feet over the couch, now just watching random YouTube videos.

Rhys glances up at me, confused, "I haven't heard your phone go of? Do you still have boyfriend?"

I try shrugging, I mean it's a little hard when your upside down, thinking about that, maybe I should get up now, my visions getting a bit blurry.

I sit up, reaching for my phone that was on the table, "I didn't know phones went of when they're dead," I should really put that on charge...

I look up at Rhys, finding him staring at me with wide eyes, "Ava! Does Kai even know you're here?! Shit! I bet he has a whole search party out! We need to-"

I roll my eyes at his over dramatic behaviour, standing up to find a charger, "calm down, he isn't even in the country. Where's you charger?"

He did say he's coming back soon, but I can't seem to remember the date.

Rhys points to besides the TV, "he doesn't need to be in the country, the guys a billionaire, he'll redirect the plane back here if he wants to,"

"Oh hush," I shake my head at him, plugging my phone in at the same time I hear a knock, "Rhys that's so cool! When you plug your phone in there're a new- that's an actual knock..." I say very disappointedly, when the knocking continues.

Rhys jumps up, "that's probably the FBI!"

I quickly perk up, going behind Rhys, "that means they'll break the door down!" I've always wanted to see that!

Rhys turns to me with a look of betrayal, "excuse me? I'd have to fix that, don't think I can afford that!"

I pull at face at him, "aren't you like also a millionaire or something?" I swear that was his backstory...

He looks back at me bewildered, "that's my parents, I'm broke. I'm supposed to be a footballer BUT, to busy being your best friend to even play!"

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