Chapter 1- The announcement

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MC's P.O.V.

"Wakey, Wakey babe." I hear a familiar voice say.

"Five more minutes" I murmur, turning onto my side.

Suddenly I was hit with a wave of cold air as my boyfriend pulls the blanket off of my body. I sat up alive with energy and frustration and stared straight into seven's honey coloured eyes.

"Why!?" I yelled "I was having a really interested dream!" a little more playful than angry.

Seven laughs and leans in closer to me and his mouth brushed my ear "So you were dreaming of me babe? How Honey Buddha Chips, what were we doing?"

My frustration melts away and I almost found it seductive, until he mentioned Honey Buddha Chips. I let out a small laugh. I pushed him away and started getting off of the bed "Yea you were in my dream actually." Leaving out all the details intentionally.

Seven pouted and adjusted his glasses "Why'd you push me away babe?"

Like you didn't when we first started dating.

"Because I now woke up, and I didn't brush my teeth, that's gross." I reply, walking to the bathroom.

In the background, I hear seven murmur to himself the words "fair enough" and his eyes suddenly light up with excitement "Oh! MC at twelve we have to meet the rest of the RFA members at that café downtown, apparently V has something he wants to tell us and it sounds like it's worth going actually."

It has been a while since I saw the rest of the RFA, I'm excited.

Wait I look at seven "Babe, what time is it?"

He checks his watch and reply's" It's five minutes to eleven."

My eyes open in shock "I have one hour to get ready!?"

I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, had a full concert in the shower, did my make-up and got dressed in forty-five minutes, the concert took the longest. No surprise there. I jogged down the stairs, careful not to slip to be met with Seven posing on the sofa like a model with his sports car keys in his hand. " Ready to go, my 606?"

I'm totally blushing and there is no way to stop it.

I took a deep breath in and smiled "Yes." This boy is going to be the death of me one day.

Seven got up and grabbed his jacket off of the coat hanger.

"Hey, Seven, why is that jacket so important to you?"

He stopped and thought about it "I don't know I guess I just like it- OH! We should get matching jackets. Then you really be 606."

I laughed "Totally but am I not already your 606?"

He gave me a look "You know what I mean silly."

We walked to the car together and seven rushed to the passenger's side.

"What are doing? Are you going to let me drive?" I asked confused.

"Let you drive my baby? Nope, but I am being a gentleman and opening your door for you."

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the "Downtown Café" Everyone was already seated but they thankfully waited for us before ordering. I was surprised to see that even Saeran was there sitting next to V.

Seven ran up to them and yelled "Yoosung, What's up I haven't pran-seen you in forever"

"Hey everyone!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

"Good afternoon MC and Seayoung"

"Hey MC, still as beautiful as always"

"Hey Rik- I mean MC"


"How are you MC?"

I was greeted with a series of replies from everyone except Jumin, who stared at us before saying "You are five minutes late"

I brushed it off "Sorry." I said before sitting down. Everyone ordered their food and V started the conversation.

"So I suppose you all are wondering why I gathered you here today. It is because I have two weeks off of work and I coincidentally have gotten this lodge in the woods for two weeks and I think it will be a great bonding experience if we all go together."

Like it was rehearsed we all looked at each other at the same time. I spoke up "It sounds like fun, I'm free"

"If my girlfriend is going then I'll have to go" seven adds

"Well, If MC is going the I'll gladly come." Zen chips in.

"Well, I'm not quite excited about spending time with my dear brother Seayoung here, but it does sound like fun so I'll participate in your little outing." Saeran says.

Jumin looked troubled before answering "I have decided to come along and assistant Kang, you are also required to go since I have decided to also carry Elizabeth the third on this activity. It will be good for her to relax."

I smiled, they were all going to be there, this is going to be awesome. I thought as I smiled to myself before asking "When is this?"

V answered "In three days, so that will be this Friday and we will all meet at this café to group and carpool,I'll be renting a volkswagon camper van."


  Hi guys!

606 here blessing your day/night. I hope you like it! I have a little game for you, Try and guess who said what in the greetings at the cafe'. anyway

                                                                                                               peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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