Day 3: Connie's House

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We arrived at her house. "Hey can you come with me to the bathroom?" I questioned her as to why she needed this. "Why not? You need something to do." I just came with her. I don't know why. So we entered the bathroom. "Hey can you open the toilet seat?" I did questioned by this and she pulls down her pants and panties. She jumped on the toilet and exploded on it. The air got intoxicated quickly as she drops loads upon loads of feces into the toilet. The smell was intoxicating. I was about to leave when her flow stopped. Her stomach gurgled and growled. She's groaning and I look her way. She is in clear pain and is holding her stomach. I come over to help as I'm familiar with this situation. I rub her tummy in circles and I hear audible and consistent farts. And then I hear a hard *Plooorp* followed by diarrhea. It stunk. Bad.

Connie's POV: My IBS was acting up and it didn't feel good. Kind of glad I invited Amy into the bathroom. I see her pinching her nose as my stomach gurgled loudly. I told her she should probably exit now.

Amy's POV: She advised me to exit and to be honest, I don't mind. I heard her stomach gurgle so I would know in hindsight not to underestimate her stomach calls. So I said good luck and exited the bathroom and as soon as I did I heard a fart mixed with an explosion mixed with diarrhea. I didn't want to stay and see.


I'm sitting on her couch in her living room when I feel my stomach grumble a little. The pizza from earlier wasn't sitting well or..  at all. She waited 15 minutes before her stomach started brewing something bad. She went to the bathroom door and asked Connie if she's finishing up,

"Erm.. I probably need to clean up."
I question what she meant by "Clean up." But too impatient, I said it cant be too bad. "It's bad... but if you're desperate to see I don't mind." "I need to shit." She went silent for a second, and then she said that there is diapers  in her room. "Why would I need diapers?" "Because the bathroom will be unavailable for a while. Could you grab me one too?" I was confused but she does have a IBS condition. I grab 2 diapers and wall into the bathroom and..

(**Hi sorry this was so short. I got sidetracked. I'll try to do over 500 words a chapter. Bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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