Day 2: Monday

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Amy awakens to a loud alarm.

"Mm.. school.. sleep.." But the blaring alarm would not stop so she shuts it off. While looking for it she notices what time it is


She needs to be at school in 30 minutes. Specifically in class.

"OH CRAP I NEED TO BE OUT OF THE DOOR BY NOW." Amy rushes to the bathroom to prepare for her first day of school. Taking a shower, she feels a grumble in her tummy. She tries to get on the toilet but she was running on a timer. "Eh I'll poop at school." She states. She munches on a toast while rushing to school.  She hops on her bus and sits in the very back. More people came in and thankfully she was the only person sitting in the back. "Mmm.. I need to go.." She thought to herself. "Maybe I'll just let out a small fart." But from experience she should never trust a fart. "Safety over relief." Said nobody. So she sat in pain. To her suprise, she was 5 minutes early so she rushed to the bathroom. She's on a lucky spree, because no one is in the stalls. She rushed into one of the stalls, dropped her stuff, pulled down her pants and panties and sat down. Creamy but steamy turds came out of her butt. She grunted and a *Sploosh* is heard. She then starts farting to relieve her pain but..

*Presentations start in a minute~*

"Shit.." She muttered as she wiped and pulled up her wardrobe. She didn't flushed as to no one used the 4th floor, rushed to wash her hands and ran to her class.

She enters class right on time. But in a very tired state. Her bowels were holding up but not too well as to not excreting 80% of the maximum amount. She sat in the right corner in the back by the window.

"Hello class! For this year I will be your homeroom teacher! Today we will be introducing each other."

Everyone introduced themselves and Amy was the last person. She waddled to the front as to not make any sudden movements

"H-hello. My name is Amy. And I like drawing." She tried to be as basic as possible to avoid attention. Her stomach grumbled and she let out a fart. Not very audible. But it was a small but smelly fart. She walked in the middle of the classroom to her seat to avoid tracking her smell to the rest of the class. "Mmph." She hugged her stomach as to it gurgling a little audibly.

"Blah blah blah." Was all Amy could hear because she was oo focused on holding whatever beast was trying to escape. Then her named was called.

"Hey.. Amy,"

Amy looked up to see a black haired girl. It was straight and glimmering. "You okay?" Amy's stomach let out a audible growl in reply to the question. Amy was not looking so bright. So the girl said that she needed to use the bathroom and made a forced fart. The teacher hesitantly let her go with another person. The girl picked Amy to go with her and pulled Amy out of her seat.

"Th-." And another gurgle emitted out of Amy's stomach. She held one hand on her stomach and the other is being held by the mystery girl "Don't worry about it. I kind of needed to use the bathroom myself." They arrived to the restrooms and both went into seperate stalls. Amy rushes to pull everything down and completely explodes on the toilet. It was very loud. "Sorry.. I had to really go. I didn't get much of a-" Amy was cut off with the mystery girl making a loud fart cutted off with a flood of diarrhea. "Mmmmmmmph~" The mystery girl moaned. That made Amy's bowels growl and make Amy start to poop creamy turds constitutively. After their first wave, Amy asked what was the girl's name.


"I'm Connie."



Isn't poop shy.

After saying her name, Connie makes a audible but long fart signalling her second wave. She grunts and turds fall out, topping off the flush hole. Now starting to fill the rest of the bottom of the toilet. "Ohh maan~ I haven't pooped for 3 days. Have you ever had IBS and Constipation before? Connie stated.

"I wouldn't know." Amy said. She then  started her 2nd wave.

Amy's POV:

My stomach is now settling. It feels great when you have a poop buddy.

"Nnnggh," I grunted. Making my poop fall in seperate pieces.

"Wanna trade stalls?" I was flustered by this question. "It's okay if you don't.." I didn't want to make her feel bad. After all, she did help me get out of a situation I would never get out of on my own. "O-ok.." I stammered. I heard a very wet fart out of her stall. Probably her approval. I got up and waddled to her stall as she waddled to mine. I pulled down my pants and let out a audible fart. But the fart staggered between my poop because her.. HER SHIT STUNK. It smelled worse than mine. Not to mention her wet fart. Her toilet's bottom was completely covered. The water wasn't very high so it left room for comfort. I lay my creamy turds plopping as they land. I fart, and I feel empty. I fart a few more times before finishing up.

Connie's POV:

Making my way to her stall was horrifying. My turd was about to fall out into my shorts. When i finally arrived to the toilet, It stunk. It wasn't bad. And she produced a decent amount for a small girl. I sat down and launched my artillery fire. I heard several plops in her stall and her farting. I wasn't done. Far from done. I leaned forward and grunted. And made several creamy turds. Then I sat up, and started producing a long turd. Following with some diarrhea. My stomach growled out of impulse. I grunted and pushed and "Oooh~" I moan as a loud plop landed in the toilet. My stomach was pleased enough because she was done, I cut my trip short.

Amy's POV:

I see her walk out of her stall and wash her hands. We both walk out and she farts. Not too wet not too dry. My stomach was empty so I returned with a tiny airy toot. "Cute!" I blushed.

We both get to the class 5 minutes before class was over. We were seated.


School ended. I was suprised to see Connie run to me. She had this walk where she sway here hips and have her hands behind her back. It was a cute walk. "Hey Amy!" "Hi." "Wanna come to my house? I have video games." She invites me to her house. " Sure." Needless to say, she was overjoyed. She hopped and farted on accident. She still had to poop so we rushed on the bus and got to her house.

1176 word count.

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