"Is he wrong?" Liam asked, quirking a brow at me. "Ben doesn't stand a chance. Not even you could do anything about it. Right... Charlie?"

"Man, shut up," Ben said, reaching past Jude to hit Liam's shoulder.

I shot back around to face Goose again. "They're having me on, aren't they?"

"Some challenges are too much even for our esteemed Charlie Rascal," Liam said with a dramatic sigh. I turned back to glare at him. All this back and forth was going to give me whiplash and I knew exactly what they were trying to do, but I was still playing right into their hands.

"You're full of shite," I said, trying to dismiss this before I got caught in something fruitless.

"It's a sad truth," Jude said with a sigh, turning my attention to him again. "You've held a strong reputation for this long, we're still proud of you no matter what. This is something you could never achieve anyway––"

"Can so!" I snapped, slamming my palms on the table. One thing I hated was being told I couldn't do something. "It's just too much when we're about to have our end of year exams––"

"No, no," Liam said, clutching his chest with both hands for dramatic effect. "It's impossible for the likes of Ben, whose shitty reputation with girls precedes him. It's okay, we all experience failure at least once in our lives. Especially Ben."

"Excuse me," Ben said, clearly offended. "I can hear everything, you know?"

Ignoring his protest, I picked myself up from my seat and turned to face them both head-on. I leaned my hands on my desk, towering over them both as they looked up at me. "I don't 'fail' any challenges, thank you very much. I could do this if I wanted to."

"I bet you can't," Liam chided, eyebrow raised as he directly challenged me.

Oh, no he didn't.

"Challenge accepted," I said, sticking my finger against the tip of his nose. "Ben is going to get the girl of his dreams in time for prom and he's gonna have the night of his damn life. You'll see."

Liam's expression turned smug as he stuck his hand out for a high-five and clasped my hand. "Atta boy."

Seemingly satisfied, they stood and made their way back to their seats. Liam slowed in front of Ben, gripping his shoulder with an affirmative shake. What a smug asshole. He seemed to forget my reputation didn't just materialize out of thin air. I worked hard to win any bet, and I'd see this one through, too.

The class was still lively when the door burst open in its typically dramatic fashion. Everyone fell silent, turning to see our school's group of misfits and miscreants enter in time for the first bell. A rare occasion, I might add.

Ikeisha came in first, looking as fabulous as usual. She wore a sparkly silver top that showed itself around the collar of her school shirt. Her nails were long and polished, and she looked every bit as fierce as her attitude suggested. The very object of Ben's desire, in the flesh.

I glanced at Ben, seeing his jaw just about hit the floor. His response to the sight of her was always the same. I almost had to feel sorry for him.

Ikeisha slumped her bag down beneath her window seat and leaned back into her chair, crossing her arms and legs. Trey came in behind her, slumping into his chair but leaving his bag on his lap. Legs spread apart in that manly way some guys do, tapping his feet with an immediate impatience. So... virile.

Aubrey came in as well, dragging his feet noisily across the floor. He was tall but walked with bad posture and wore an expression like he hated the world. Zero grace, whatsoever, and yet was still so damn attractive. He dumped his bag behind his chair, and I noted his dismissive nod towards Mr. Hardy. No sooner did he lean forward over his desk and bury his face in his arms.

Ratbags and Scallywags [bxb]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن