Chapter 7: From Another World and Back

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3rd Person POV

It's been a week since Pride has joined Azur Lane. Ever since the new additions of three male ships, the forces of Azur Lane have increased dramatically. More firepower, bodyguards, helping hands, etc.

Gluttony, Wrath, and Pride even have their own roles to play. Y/n is Charlotte's secretary, Galahad is a commander and his own trusty secretary, Observer Zero, and Pride became Queen Elizabeth's own guard dog, much to his dismay.

Everyone on base is currently preparing for another battle against the Red Axis. But this time it's different. Y/n, Galahad, and Pride got word that Red Axis has another secret weapon. Meaning that there's something other than the Orochi to worry about. But what could it be?


Meanwhile, everyone is still busy with preparations. But the three boys were asked to step aside by the Admiral for a quick word...

Y/n: "So you want us to check this island?"

Ramsey: "Yes, we heard from the command center that there was a distress signal there."

Galahad: "The island isn't far from here, it'll be a quick trip."
Leo: "But we mustn't let our guards down, one moment of hesitation could end us."

Ramsey: "I want the three of you to move out asap, make it quick, and get back here safely. Understand boys."

Y/n: "We won't let you down, Admiral." He saluted.


Time skip brought to you by Y/n reading a Harry Potter book while getting spied on by Yanderes...

Y/n's POV

We did as we were told. Go to the island and check on the island. But not before we were bombarded with questions from Charlotte, Noelle, and a few others.

The Admiral did say that the island was close by, only 100 miles North and another 100 miles Northeast. But as Leo said, we must stay cautious. There's no thinking of what might lurk in the area.

Galahad: "We're almost there."

Leo: "Let's move."

Y/n: "Are you good over there, Leo?"

Leo: "What's that supposed to mean?" He looked mildly irritated.

Y/n: "I mean, how are things going with Lizzie?"

Leo: "Please don't bring that up... She's more like a child than she is a queen."

Y/n: "Oh yeah."

Galahad: "That's rough buddy... What about Nelson?"

Leo: "She's cool I guess."

Galahad: "Why don't you ask her out on a date?"

Leo: "Are you bloody mad!? You must be insane to think of that!"

Y/n: "It was only a suggestion, look alive boys, we're about to hit land."

Quick Time skip...

Once we made it to our destination, we docked our boats a few miles away from the island and just water walked the rest of the way. Yeah, that's right, take that Lord and Savior.

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