Chapter 35: Cooking

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I was having the best time cooking with Jodie and Austin's mom! I haven't helped cooked Thanksgiving food in years and it felt so nice to be able to help them out. We started with the turkey first since it was going to take the longest to cook and while that was baking we moved on tot he stuffing. "So Rose wanna hear about what Austin did on Thanksgiving when he was 7?" His mom asked me. "Yes please I wanna hear all the embarrassing stories you can tell about him" "Well buckle your seat belt because we have tons" Jodie said. "Oh goody" I said and they laughed. " So when Austin was 7, I had made the pies for Thanksgiving the night before so I would have more time to focus on other things that morning, well when I woke up Thanksgiving morning I saw Austin passed out on the floor covered in chocolate pie and he was passed out. He snuck down in the middle of the night and ate the pie I made and fell asleep while doing it. I wasn't mad at him because it was so funny." "So that's why he asked me if we were gonna make a chocolate pie" "Oh yeah we have it every year now and have a good laugh. I wish I had the picture to shoe you but I'll have to send it to you when I go home." His mom said. "Oh how about the time when he was 12 and he faked being sick so he did't have to go to school because his girlfriend dumped him and he didn't want to see her so he thought he would pretend to be sick and he claimed it was because he ate bad Chinese food?" Jodie asked his mom "Oh yeah and you called me to see if I had taken him to get some before I dropped him back off the day before and I said no why and you told me and I knew he was lying he just didn't want to be around his ex!" I laughed because I was enjoying every second of these stories because they were ammo I could use against him. We finished cooking while they told me some more stories and time had slipped away from us and it was about 11 now and I knew his crew was coming over at 2 so we had to rush cooking. Finally at about 12:30 we were done. "Well girls I think we did a pretty good job, what do you think Rose?" "It wall looks great! Thank you guys so much for letting me help I had a great time!" "It's no problem sweetie I'm glad you wanted to." His mom said. "Yes thank you! Between the 3 of us, none of Austin's girlfriends in the past have ever wanted to help us. They just come down here, eat, and barely speak to us." Jodie told me "Oh really thats terrible. I mean at least speak with the people who cooked for you." "See this is why I like you, you are very thoughtful." His mom told me and I just smiled. "I'm gonna go check and make sure Austin is awake so he can start getting ready" "Yeah I better go do the same to Rich" Jodie said "and I'm gonna go shower and maybe take a little nap before everyone gets here" his mom said. I headed up the stairs and reached Austin's room and thought of the conversation I overheard him having with his mom last night and got all giddy inside. He loves me and I love him. Now I just have to find the time to tell him this. I opened the door and saw he was still asleep so I walked over to the bed and got in it and climbed on top of him and started kissing his face. "well good morning to you too" he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hi handsome. It's 12:40 you need to shower and get ready for your crew to get here." "Do I have to get up?" "Yes Austin" I said laughing at his comment because he sounded like a child. "But what if I want to lay in this bed all day with you?" "Well if you want that to happen we have to wait until your parents leave tomorrow and we can just lay in bed all day " I said kissing his forehead "now get up you're wasting shower time" I said as I got off of him. "Fine but only because I can't wait to see what you 3 whipped up in the kitchen" he said getting out of bed walking to the bathroom. "Why you worried we didn't make that chocolate pie for you?" I said laughing "oh god they told you about that didn't they?" "Yep and about your sick day when you were 12." "Oh lord" I heard him say as he was getting into the shower. He was in there for about 15 minutes while I finished getting ready and he got out about the same time I got done getting dressed. "Wow Rose you look, wow!" "Thank you" I said blushing as he came to me and kissed me. "Ready to go downstairs?" I asked as he pulled his shirt on. Just then he got a text from some of his crew because he said they were here. Oh god this was it, if they don't like me it was gonna be a long month on the road when he tour starts back up in February. "I think the real question is are you ready?" he asked me. I guess he saw the panic on my face, "hey Rose trust me they are gonna like you and even if they don't it doesn't matter because you're my girl." He grabbed my hand and we made our way downstairs to the front door and he opened it. Standing there was Dre his manager, Smitty his DJ, Adam his photographer, and a few other people who do sound work for his shows. I didn't get a chance to properly meet them at Posty Fest because when it was done, they all left. "What't up bro!" Smitty said as he walked him hugging Austin. "Thanks for letting us come" Adam said and Dre agreeing. "Guys, this is Rose my girlfriend. Rose this is Adam, Dre, and Smitty." He said as I shook their hands "Well I'm glad we get to properly meet." Adam said. "Yeah I'm glad I finally get to meet you. Our boy here won't shut up about you" Smitty said causing Austin to blush. Just then Austin's family came in saying their greetings. "Lets eat!" Jodie said and Austin leaned down and whispered in my ear "I told you they'd like you" and kissing me and grabbing my hand as we headed to the kitchen. " Mom. Jodie, Rose y'all go first since you cooked." Austin said. "Gladly" his mom said and we made our plates. 

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