Chapter 21: Nice to meet you

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We made it downstairs just in time because as soon as we walked out of the doors Marcus pulled in so we piled up in the SUV with Sebastian riding in the passenger seat so we would have more room in the back. "So are you a worker for Auston?" I heard his conversation with Marcus and I was joined in. "Only when he's in town really. He pays me to drive him around and pick stuff up for him." My heart started pounding and I thought to myself "wow he rented a car last night just to impress me? It sure did work because I was impressed!" "So when we get to the stadium, I was instructed to take y'all to Mr. Austin's personal security. Have you talked to Mr. Austin to make sure I am correct, Miss Rose?" Marcus looked at me through his rear view mirror. "Yes sir I talked to him right before you called me earlier." "Great just wanted to make sure, we about 15 minutes away by the way" The rest of the car ride was quiet because we were all still tired from the night before, besides Marcus and Sebastian having conversations in the front. "Here" I heard Marcus say as we pulled into the parking lot of the AT&T stadium who just also happens to be the home of the Dallas Cowboys which was also Austin's favorite football team so it was no surprise a festival about himself would be held at his favorite team's home. I pulled my phone out to text him that we were pulling in and when I did I saw his security come to the car and open the door for us. "Thank you so much Marcus for driving us" I told him as I was getting out and he smiled and nodded. "Miss Rose right?" "Thats me" "Great here are all of your VIP passes. I was told that when you all got here to bring you to Austin's tour bus so if you will all follow me this way" We followed closely behind Fredrick when I saw Austin walking off his bus with a Bud Light in hand and a smile on his face when he saw me. He came up to me and hugged me. "I'm glad you made it here safely. Guess I'll keep Marcus around" he said laughing pulling me out of the hug. "You remember Aspen and Parker. This is Adam he was the one who went straight to bed when they came back last night and I'm sure you remember Sebastian" I said as Sebastain's face turned red. "Yeah I remember all right" Austin said laughing "don't worry man we've all been there. It's nice to meet you sober" "Oh my god I am so sorry about last night. I'm normally not that way, and trust me I am paying for that today" Sebastian said shaking his head. "Hey its good. Y'all ready to go in and meet some people?" Austin asked us leading up into the stadium. My friends kept their distance as I walked beside Austin talking to him about tonight and where his next city was in his tour. "So what should we expect from you tonight" I asked him as we walked in the building "The best shit you can imagine" he said reaching for the doorknob the same time as me. "Oh sorry" I said as my hand touched his, knowing damn well I was not because I wanted to hold his hand. "It's okay" he said winking at me making me get weak in the knees. "So is there anyone you wanna meet right now?" he asked my friends. It did not take Aspen long to speak up and say Jaden. "Oh nice his room is the first one we will go by anyway so thats perfect." Aspen caught up with me freaking out as Austin knocked on Jaden's door. A few seconds later I heard Austin speaking. "Hey man I want you to meet Rose and her friends. This is Adam, Parker, Sebastian, and Aspen." "Whats up guys nice to meet you I'm Jaden but I'm sure you knew that" I didn't tell Aspen I told him but I mentioned to Austin a few weeks ago that Aspen was a big fan and she wanted to meet him so bad. I caught Aspen in awe of seeing Jaden standing right there in front of her. Next thing I knew she was talking to him "oh my god it's nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan of you and your dad." "Thanks I appreciate it. What's your favorite thing my dad has done?" Jaden asked her. "Most definitely Fresh Prince I just wish I could watch it on Netflix or something. It's such a great show. "I'll see what I can do about that" "Oh my god really?! Thats exciting." "It's no problem He'll be glad to know that, Aspen right, is a huge fan." "I think I might die now. I also loved you in David Dobrik's video by the way. I wanna meet him one day." "I might can arrange that. You want some of my merch?" "Oh my god yes please" I saw Aspen start tearing up because I knew she was in heaven right now and I couldn't help but be happy for her. We wrapped things up with Jaden and Aspen came up to me, "best day of my life" she said and I smiled. We spent the rest of the time meeting some other people headlining Posty Fest but saving the best one's for last. "Who's next?" Austin asked. I looked at all my friends knowing damn well who they wanted to meet now. "Doja Cat" I told him. Right this way then so we followed him to her dressing room and he knocked. We stood there nervous af and she opened her door.  

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