Black Lives Matter

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After careful consideration, I have decided that I will not be posting a story update until July. I am white and I don't want to take attention away from black authors.

With everything going on recently, I realized that it was important to use the platform I have with this story. Although I write under a pen name (OPHELIA), I still plan on taking activism to this account.

I will list some justice petitions that have not met their goals yet. If three people DM me proof that they signed a petition, I will post three chapters in July.  However, I will not be posting anything until three people sign a petition, even if it means I never get to update this story again.

I love all of you. Thank you so much for supporting this book. I feel so infinitely grateful that I get to share these characters with you all. While I realize that this may "ruin the book" for some people, it's important that I post it.

I will post an update at the bottom of this page once I get three screenshots of people signing petitions.

You can DM proof by messaging a screenshot of your donation/signature to the instagram account proof_for_sweetie

For these petitions, copy and paste the name of it into Google. Click on the first search result.



Julius Jones is innocent. Don't let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma.

Justice for Belly Mujinga.


Justice For Tony McDade

Petition to Governor Brian Kemp to remove Rockdale County Sheriff Eric J. Levett


Posted: 6/11/20

Petitions signed: 3

We got our three petitions! During the first week of July, I will put up three chapters. Please still sign these petitions, though! Thank you to those who are supporting this movement.

I just received a message from @Arekkh who sent me a huge Google Doc of about 60 petitions to sign. I encourage you all to take the time to sign them! I'm having trouble posting them in this actual book, but the link is in the description of this book and in my bio. BLACK LIVES MATTER. 

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