The Informant

Depuis le début

With that, we split off. Mnerloth and her group retreating into the mountain side, Shadow and his team heading for the main generator, while the rest of us went for the big warehouse. When we entered, we were met in a small hallway by two guards. Hunter and Taro took them easy.

“Just like old times huh old man?”, Taro asked.

Hunter laughed, “shut the muzzle Jackie.”

“Quit calling me that you old shit”, Taro snarled.

Ator laughed, “both you two shut up before I blow you up.”

Hunter and Taro quieted as we moved into the main area, what we found, made all of us shiver. I had known there was a large cache of DK ammo, but I hadn't known it was as big as it was. The crates were stacked ceiling high. Each crate contained 5,000 rounds...there had to be at least six times as many crates as the number of rounds they contained. Hunter's black scales went white.

“That”, he said drawing the word out, “is a lot of fucking bullets.”

“At 5000 a pop”, Mark said, “damn.”

“And were gonna blow it sky high”, I said.

I had brought HE rounds for my 105 rather than the kinetic ones I usually carried. I cycled three of them out of the magazine and then Ator went to work, making the biggest bomb ever. He pulled the primer out of the bottom of the shell and replaced it with a blasting cap and C4. The second thing he did was grab several gas barrels and place them in a circle with a space in between them to avoid directing the blast upwards. For him, the final step was always admiring his work.

“My greatest creation”, Ator laughed, “a 105mm C4 laced Gas Bomb. I love being me.”

Hunter laughed, “your talent for blowing' shit up is unmatched by another 12 year old on this Earth.”

Ator laughed as we snuck out of the warehouse. We crept around to an alley way and were stopped by a guard who was patrolling the middle of the street.”

“Mnerloth?”, I asked over the radio.

“I see him”, she called back.

There was a crack so faint that it was hard even for a dragon to hear. The man's head spurted blood and he fell face down in the street, making no noise.

“Damn”, Hunter said, “we did something right.”

“Taro get rid of that body”,I said, “I can smell it from here.”

Taro stashed the body underneath a near by Deuce and we crept down the street, sticking to the blots in between the influence of the building lights. At the end of the village was a house with barred windows and one light on inside. I could see the two men with M4's sitting in chairs looking like they were about to doze off.

“Shadow”, I called, “what's the ETA on that generator?”

“In position”, he called, “waiting on your go.”

“Cut it”, I said, “cut now and then get down here. Issac? Where's that bird?”

“Five minutes out”, Issac called, “don't start without us.”

“Then get here”, I said, “Tyro out. Kill it Shadow.”

The city suddenly went pitch black expect for the dim influence of the moon. The men with M4's stood straight up and pointed their weapons straight ahead. Even in the pitch black, if we moved we could still be seen because of our white clothes.

“Rolland”, I said, “two guys with M4's, switch to thermals.”

Two faint rifle shots echoed in the distance and the men fell, with split heads, into the snow. We closed the distance to the house and slipped inside. Hunter left off a suppressed shotgun blast into a single guy that was groping his way around and blew him apart. We crept back into the cells and found Teovanth, muzzled and chained to the wall, laying in a puddle of his own blood.

“Dammit”, Hunter growled checking his pulse, “he's low, we gotta hurry this up or he'll die.”

“Let's make this a party then”, I said.

We cleared out of the prison and went back to rally point at the entrance to the village.

“Let's make this a party”, I said, “Ator, the fireworks please.”

Ator brought his paw down on the detonator on his vest. The warehouse went up in a ball of smoke as the three 105 rounds, plus the C4, plus the gas and all the ammo, went off at once.

Ator couldn’t keep back his laugh and burst out.

“I love my job”, he laughed, “I love it so much.”

The humans were running allover, trying to put out the inferno raging in the warehouse while dodging the needle tipped ammo as it flew in all directions.

“Everyone clear out”, I replied, “rally on me, Issac, where's that bird?”

“I see the explosion boss”, Issac replied, “but it's so dark night vision can't pick up anything, I can't see where to land.”

“Watch for a flare”, I called, “where in a small clearing.”

I took a flare out of my vest and lit it. The blue, hot glow quickly lit the area around me as Issac's V-TOLL came down as the others arrived.

“Let's go home”, I replied stepping into the dark cabin. As we rose into the air once again, I fell asleep. I was stirred an hour or so later by the V-TOLL touching down at Romeo.

“Come on Tyro”, Ator said, “our females are waiting.”

I smiled and laughed as I stood up. Adelind and the kids,as well as Shadow greeted me as I stepped off the chopper. The warm air of Romeo was a far cry from where we had just come and when it hit my scales, it made me sweat. It was nice to be home.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant