"Do you want to go back to my house?" I asked, setting the cup back down. Checking my phone, I added, "And what time do you need to go? It's almost 3:40."

He smiled. "Sure, let's go back. And... I don't have a specific time... but I probably shouldn't stay too much longer."

"Okay." I paused. "Also, if you come over, my mom's home, so you'll end up meeting her."

"Cool," he said. "Do you... think she'll like me?"

I nodded, pulling my gloves on. "Yeah, I think she will. You'd probably have to do something really awful for her not to, so don't worry about that." I smiled.

We stood up and Jeongguk took my hand again. "You look cute in my hat," he told me as we walked away from the lake.

"Thank you," I said, pausing to throw out my pathetic drink in a trashcan by the side of the path.

"You're welcome." He gave my hand a squeeze. "And sorry about reading... your messages."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I forgive you."

We walked in silence for a while, until we were passing by Vanderbilt Playground. "When you were little... did you play here?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I used to play here a lot. It was really fun in the summer, when the sprinklers were on."

He smiled. "What did you... like to do... as a kid?"

"At the park or just in general?"

"In general."

I pursed my lips, thinking. "Well, I was really into dolls. I had way too many Barbies and Polly Pockets and stuff.... I was really girly. And I always had a crush on some boy. I liked reading, writing, and art too... other than the dolls bit, I really haven't changed much, except for looks, of course."

He smiled. "Do you like video games?"

I shrugged. "Aside from playing Just Dance and various Mario related games at a friend's house in elementary school, I haven't really played them. So I'm not sure I have an opinion...." I paused. "Right now, there are better things for me to do and I just genuinely don't have access to them, but if I really liked a certain game or the person I was playing with, I wouldn't see anything wrong with playing them.... Does that make sense?"

He nodded. "So... would you ever play with me?"

I smiled. "Yes. You'd probably have to explain everything five times and I'm sure I'd be horrible, but I would definitely play with you."

He grinned. "I'll turn you into a gamer."

I laughed. "Yup, you'll make me into the coolest gamer girl alive."

He cringed, laughing and we resumed walking in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though, just a peaceful, contemplative one. Jeongguk kept glancing over at me as I led the way home. He'd look me up and down and frown a little, and finally I was so confused and felt so judged that I had to say something.

"Jeongguk, what in the world are you thinking about and would you please stop looking at me like that? You're making me feel very self-conscious."

"Sorry," he said, looking a little sheepish. "I was just... wondering how much... you weigh."

I frowned, laughing slightly. "Jeongguk, why in the world are you thinking about my weight? You should never ever think about a lady's weight."

"Well," he said, stopping, "I was wondering... how easily I could... pick you up."

Fate's Little BellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora