Chapter 4 ~Fugitives

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"P-peach",..,, the plumbers voice faltered as his heart sank.

Princess Peach was standing in front of the broken window. Her hair was completely let down, flowing down her shoulders, and her earrings were gone. Her outfit consisted of a lace bikini top and extremely small shorts. She was crying, with her hands above her head. Luigis face turned a bright shade of red, from embarrassment and fear and also a little bit of arousal.

"P-peach i didn't mean for you to see this... please d-don't be afraid this is a huge misunderstanding" Luigi hastily explained as he dropped the poltergust 3000 to the ground with a hard thud.

Peach fell to the ground, crying. Luigi realized that if he didn't do something soon, two things could happen. Peach could escape, tell the police what he did, and get him arrested. Or, one of the castles guards would notice the commotion and find out Luigi had killed Boo. Both scenarios ended with Luigi stuck in a padded room.

But there was one more thing he could do. He could take peach to him and Mario's vacation house on Delfino Island and live there, forever, happily.

"Put your dress on, we're leaving. if you try to escape I will not hesitate to kill you. I've killed two already, im not afraid to change that number to three" Luigi uttered, looking down at his feet. He spoke with unbelievable confidence, even though he didn't mean what he said. The Princess immidently got up and scrambled into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the door. While she changed, Luigi planned.

If we leave within the next 10 minutes we can most likely make it to the airport around 2pm. Im sure there's a flight to Delfino somewhere around then. Once we get to delfino, we can get to the beach house. But how will i make sure she stays? Im sure there's some... rope around here, hence the activities they were about to do. I'll worry about that in a minute. Once I tie her up at the beach house, i can go grocery shopping. Hopefully enough to last for at least a month.

Luigi stopped his inner thoughts and searched the room for useful items. He found the rope he had hoped was there, and a wallet that belonged to Boo containing $200. Perfect.

Peach soon came out of the bathroom and the two went on their way, climbing out the bedroom window to avoid being seen.

Peach and Luigi walked though the abandoned parts of town to arrive to the airport, which was around 1 and a half miles away. Population had decreased in the mushroom village, thus creating no need for such a large town. The population went from 300 to a little over 190 within the past year. Now, nothing inhabited these abandoned sections of town, which goes by the nickname "Lessertown".

Eventually, the plumber and the princess reached the airport. Luigi used part of the $200 to purchase their tickets, leaving him with a remainder of $150. Plane tickets to Delfino Island had become astonishingly cheap, ever since the volcanic erruption that killed hundreds of tourists and locals alike. But that didn't matter right now. What did matter is that the two made it there at exactly the time luigi had predicted, 2:13 And luckily for them, a flight to Delfino was leaving at 2:15.

Luigi stepped off the plane, and used his hand to cover his eyes from the scorching sun. Peach followed closely behind him. Usually, the towns folk would greet the Princess, but this time they left before they got the chance and went straight to the beach house. Delfino Island was looking vibrant that day, besides the unusual aura surrounding Luigi. Because of this aura, sometimes people would stare at the two as they walked by, but Luigi didn't mind. He had a plan and it was being set into motion.

Eventually they arrived at the beach house. The beach house was small, charming, and perfect for the two to live. When they entered the home, Luigi swiftly threw his suitcase on the kitchen table and took out the rope. Peach gasped and blushed, realizing that Luigi had been snooping through her belongings. Luigi's head snapped twords her direction at the sound of her voice. Neither of them had spoken since Luigi asked Peach to put her clothes on to leave. Peach stumbled backwards, startled by the sudden movement.

"Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you" Luigi said softly, tilted his head, and laughed. Peach thought it sounded so innocent, like he hadn't just killed two people and essentially kidnapped her. Peach wondered about what was going on back at home. It was 4:47 at this time, surely someone would've noticed she was gone by now.

"Princess! Princesss!" Toadsworth yelled britishly as he knocked on Peaches bedroom door. He was beginning to get a horrible feeling in his gut, but he ignored it. The princess often took long baths or showers and couldn't hear him knocking on the door. Toadsworth decided he would wait a few hours before intruding.

Little did Toastworth know, inside the room was a poltergust 3000, a dead body, a broken window, and no princess in sight.

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