21: Castles, Candlesticks, Clogs and Carrots

Start from the beginning

"Håkon, I'll kill you."

"Alright," He stands up and puts on the sweats he was wearing yesterday, leaving his shirt off. He's hot.

"Put it away put it away put it away." I hand him the hoodie he was wearing.

"It's hot." He gives me a smile, pushing my buttons. 

"I know you're hot."

"Not what I meant," He smiles, leaning over to give me a quick kiss. "But I'm glad you think that."

"Just put on a shirt," I laugh, pushing it at him. "Please."

"Alright, my apartment, then whatever you have planned."

"I'm driving!"

"I don't want to die this morning."

"I'll only speed a little." I pinch two fingers together and he just rolls his eyes, lifting his hoodie up over his head and pulling it down. 


"So what are we doing?" Håkon's got on another hoodie, but jeans this time. Over the hoodie is his winter jacket.

"I've been here for like three months, I want to see some stuff, and I'm bringing you with me." I barely manage to parallel park the truck, then hop out. Håkon comes up next to me, the arm of his jacket brushing the arm of mine.

"So you're taking me touristing?"

"Yeah," I bump him. "Is that too much to ask?"

"No, I'm just interested in what there is to do in Regina, Saskatchewan."

"Apparently you guys have an entire castle," I start to walk down university avenue, and we make our way to the front doors of Stone Hall castle. "I've been wanting to do this for a while, just didn't have the right person to go with."

"I'm a little big," He ducks under the door and I say hi to the lady at reception. It's an open day, so we get to walk around on our own. Håkon has to duck under all the doors available.

"Six three was fine, but no, they can't accommodate giants here," I point at a dope ass candle stand. "That's metal."

"I feel like you had a bigger scene phase than you lead on to."

"Maybe," I turn pink around the ears. "Okay it wasn't like an actual scene phase, my mom would have killed me, but, I got close. I've told you this."

"How close?" He's a little near to me, next to the candle stand, his elbow is brushing against mine, his gaze is steady on me. 

"Uh," I push my hair behind my ear and show him the little hole. "That, and then uh," I have to laugh. "I, uh, can skateboarded, but not well because I was fifteen and got bullied kinda a lot for it."

"Sounds like an actual phase, not an almost one."

"I feel like you had a poetry phase." I lead him into the next room.

"No need to come for my neck like that."

"But am I wrong?"

"No." He's pink around the ears.

"See." I take a picture of the archway and send it to Steph, who's currently getting home. "Steph's home."

"It's good that he's back, he needs some time to get over whatever that was with his family."

I nod, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth. "We can bother him later if you want."

"I'd," Håkon heaves a sigh. "I'd rather not turn up at any of the guys' houses together, alright? I'm not ready for that."

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