An Adventure

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As the five entered the club, Jason received a painfully unbearable headache. Gripping his head in response, the four turned to him in concern. "Dude, you okay?" Ian asked. "Ja..." The astronaut replied.

"Uh... Hello?" Jerome called out. His only response was his own voice, echoing throughout the building. "Jeez, the place is deserted..." The bacca murmured. "That's cool." Adam sighed, leaning against the cool brick wall. "We get this sweet building all to ourselves." "That's sarcasm, right?" Jerome asked, turning to him. Adam adjusted his shades and responded. "Could be, could be not." He replied.

"Guys, we need to focus." Jordan called, gaining the attention if the men. "This is only temporary shelter. We have to find a way to get back to the main land." The four nodded in agreement, Jason's response more weakly than the others. He coughed, trying to make a plan. "I suggest zat ve split up, to cover more of zis mysterious area, you know?" "Dude, what is with that creepy accent?" Ian asked, stepping away from the DJ. "Ian." Adam made a glare at Ian. "Shut up and let him talk." "Shutting up." Ian instantly replied, adjusting his jacket.

"...As I vas saying..." Jason continued, tapping his foot on the stone ground. "Ve should split up into to try and find materials to get off of zis island." "Sounds good." Jerome nodded, rubbing the fur on his chin. "I call to go with a partner."

Everyone's gazes turned to the speaker of that statement, Jordan. "Why? You a sissy?" Ian stupidly asked. "Ian." Adam again grumbled. Ian had been through this before, and again stayed silent. "Oh no, it's not that. We're in unknown territory, who knows what could happen. There is power in numbers, you know." The hobbit notioned to his head. "Only common sense."

"Alright then, Jordan." Jerome barged into the conversation. "You can go with Adam." The butter lover looked up, seeing Jerome's furry finger pointed at him. "Wait, why me?!" He asked, his tone one of bossiness. "Because... You're ze most reckless out of all of us." Jason raised an eyebrow as the three looked at him with glares. Adam could tell they were probably thinking, 'Wow, what a dumbass.' or something along those lines. Adam huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine..."

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Ian soon took off, down the hall. "See you dudes later, I'm on an adventure!" Jason and Jerome soon split from the group, leaving Jordan and Adam puzzled about where to look.


HAPPY BELATED CHRISTMAS EARLY NEW YEAR THING. I am so terribly sorry for the long hiatus! You know life gets so busy! Anyways, another chapter for this story! Thank you so much for the views on this story! I never intended it to get this popular! I'm glad to know many people enjoy the dorky literature I write. Until the next chapter!

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