A Talk

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Looking over at all the others, he made a small smile. The others were concerned... Concerned on how Jason had recovered from his pain already. "You need to take a nap or something?" Jerome asked with care. "You're acting awfully weird dude." Ian chimed in. Jason only raised his hands up defensively, emitting a light chuckle. "It's alright, you don't have to worry about me guys." "We are worried about you Jason," Adam tenderly replied, putting a hand on the astronaut's shoulder. Jordan nodded, adding, "If there's anything wrong Jason, just tell us."

"Honestly you guys, I'm just fine. You don't have to vorry." Jason replied, clearing his throat. "Guess it's just a simple cold, zat's all..." Everyone looked at Jason, realizing his tone. "Your voice sounded funny." Adam pointed out, scratching his head. Jason cleared his throat again. "Probably from this little cold..." "You should take a nap, that always helps." Jerome suggested. "Drink something before you do though," Jordan took out a small canteen, handing it to the young boy. "Might help with your throat."

"Thanks Jordan." Jason thanked the hobbit. He opened it up, taking a sip. Water. Not as good as the water he had, but he didn't want to be rude to a friend. At least it was better than the sink water! Continuing to drink the canteen's liquids, it all went his throat smoothly. He sighed, handing the now empty canteen back to Jordan. The hobbit put it away, and looked back at the others.

"Hope you won't mind Adam, but..." Slightly drowsy, Jason leaned onto Adam, who tensed up. Adam looked down at Jason, suddenly blurting out. "No homo, just saying man." "I know." A drowsy Jason said.

After the butter lover relaxed, Adam looked up at Ian, Jerome and Jordan. An unnecessary silence filled the room. "So..." Jerome said all of a sudden. What to talk about, the bacca thought as Jordan, Adam, and Ian turned to look at him. Without having much time to think, he said out of the blue.

"... Fangirls."


Author's Note: Many apologies for the lack of update! Some SkyMU bromance going on now, huh? Don't worry friends, no shippings shall get involved in this story... I think. You may never know~! Until the next short update!

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