A Shelter

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The five stared at the stone building, awe struck. "How... The hell is there a building in the middle of no where?" Adam blatantly asked. "Better yet, this Klüb Ice..." Jordan stepped back a bit, capturing every little block. Ian turned to Jason, rather suspicious. "Jason, is there something you're not telling us?" "Vhat?" The astronaut tilted his head to the side. "You think zat I'm hiding something?"

"Dude. We are stuck on a deserted island, in the middle of the ocean, then there's this fricking big as crap building smack dab in the center!" Ian pointed at the club, obviously not amused. "So? Vhat do you expect me to do?" Jason put his hands on his hips, unaware of his actions. "Come on guys, break it up." Jerome got in the middle of the two feuding friends. "We got to find a way to get some rescue team to pick us up." The butter lover groaned. "You make it sounds so easy, Fluffy..." He wailed, flopping onto the ground. Jerome stared down at him, chuckling. "It is! All we have to do is make a fire, then someone will see the smoke and go get us!"

"The wood's too damp." Jordan spoke. "Climate here is pretty humid." "How would you know that?" Ian asked, turning his head to him. "Look at Jerome. There's your answer." Jerome looked up, aware that he was being looked at by the other males. "... What?" He asked worriedly. Adam sat up, snickering. Hearing his friend's attempt to hold his laughter, the bacca looked at him, confuzzled. "What!?"

"I'm sorry... It's just your fur!" Adam then payed back, letting his laughter out. "What about my fur?" Jerome asked, touching his furry self. At the slightest touch, he soon realized. "Oh my Notch. I'm frizzy." He soon went red from embarrassment, trying to pat his fur down. Ian soon laughed along with Adam, and Jordan made a little smirk. "Smart ass..." Jerome growled, glaring straight at the hobbit. Jordan shrugged. "Just using my resources."

"Fine. Be zat vay." Jason stared at them all. "You all vill be so immature and keep vandering zis place, vhile I seek some shelter in zere." He turned on his heel, heading into the club. "Hold up Jason." Adam said, pulling Jason back. "We have to stay together, right? Besides, weather's fine! We'll be out here for a while."

Soon enough, rain started to drip on the five, everyone giving heated glares at the Sky Army general. "You just HAD to jinx it, didn't you?" Ian complained. "Not my fault." Adam stood up, heading toward the club's entrance. "Shoot, not again!" Jerome zoomed past Adam, hoping to not get wet. Everyone followed, a crack of thunder going off. Adam squealed, jumping into Jason's arms. He screamed, frightened. Jason dropped him, continuing to head in. Adam quickly got up, dusting his chestplate off and following, staggering behind the four.

Little did they know a pair of blank eyes stared down at them as the storm clouds gathered onto the little island.


Author's Note: Terribly, terribly sorry about the little hiatus! Updates will probably be rather slow, but I will try my best! Thank you for over 600 views on the story! Honestly, I didn't think I'd get THIS many views. Your support is appreciated! Now, until next chapter!

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