Ch. 14 Drunken state of mind

Start from the beginning

"I love you too." I watch as she walks out of the bathroom and I'm left alone with my thoughts.


"Table for two?" The waitress smiles at us as we follow her through the restuarant. This place was crowded, which I didn't think it would be since it was only Thursday night.

After we sat at our table, the waitress smiles at us before laying two menus out and asking what we wanted to drink as she held out a pad and pen.

"Champagne." Tory looks at her then picks up her menu.

I look over at her before looking up at the waitress. "Water will be fine."

She smiles at me before writing it down then placing the pad in her pocket. "I will give you ladies a few minutes to look through the menu and I'll be back with your drinks."

After she walks away, I watch Tory looking through the menu for a few seconds before I picked mine up and looked through it.

I asked Tory if she wanted to go out tonight. I let her pick out the restuarant and when she said the same one we went to years ago for our second date, I couldn't help but smile.

Even though this place was expensive, she still wanted to come here.

"The pasta looks good." Tory spoke as I peeked up over my menu to look at her. "The chicken looks amazing too."

Looking through the menu, I was trying to find out where she was looking at. I was in the soups and she was looking at pasta and chicken. Where the hell was that at?

"Where are you looking at?" I look at her.

She looks at me before placing her menu down and placing mine down too before turning it over a few pages before pointing at a page where it had pasta and chicken on the same page.

"Thanks." I place my arms on the table as I looked down at it and it did look good. "What about this pasta stuff with chicken and syrup?"

"Syrup?" She questions as I look at her. "As in maple syrup?"

I look back down at it as it said a honey flavored syrup. "No, honey." I look back at her as she nods before picking her menu back up and looking at it.

After a few moments, the waitress comes back with our drinks. "Are you ready to order?" She asks, looking at the both of us.

Tory ordered first and I smiled at her as I watched her talk. After she was done, I look up at the waitress and ordered my food, which was the pasta chicken with honey.

After she wrote it all down, she smiles at us and told us it'll be a few minutes then walked away. I look back over at Tory as she was drinking her drink and I wondered what made her order champagne.

I look around the restuarant and noticed how there were a lot of older people here. It had a few families here, one with a mom and dad with a boy and girl sitting across from them.

A lot of the other people who were here were older couples or younger couples, but more in their thirties.

I look back at Tory as she was taking a sip from her glass before setting it down. I watch as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone. She lookes down at it for a moment before typing a message out then placing it on the table.

She looks up and meets my eyes, then raises an eyebrow before slightly smiling at me. She picks up her glass again and raises it to her lips before taking a slow sip.

After constantly looking around the restuarant and a few more minutes passed, the waitress walks over with our food then places the plates on the table. I look down at it and smile at how amazing it looks and smells.

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