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So, this cool cover is by littletownlady

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So, this cool cover is by littletownlady

Do, check out her work! They are amazing!


"So, how do you find the boy?" Mom asks me while putting chapattis on my plate.

Currently I am back at home, Delhi. I arrived here yesterday late night after getting through the new assignments we got in our office as I didn't quite looked into the matters from Mumbai so when the plane landed in Delhi I straight away went to office to look over.

Now that I think about him... Amusing! Ha! The guy I mean. But I do not tell my mum that.

"He was alright I guess."

"So?" She asks as I take a sip from glass.

"So? So what?" I play hard. How can I miss this opportunity to annoy my mother?

"What should I tell to his mom?" my mum asks try to get as much as information she can.

"What do you mean what should you say to his mom? You told me before I agreed to meet anyone that I just have to meet him right? Then what these questions are about?"

"Beta, I have to say something to them when I will meet them next."

"Let them say first. And they are not going to ask." I tell mom as she takes her seat beside to papa.

"And why is that? Don't tell me you shooed him away." I smile, internally," you know he was a good person for you but no! You don't want any man in your life............."and there she goes on and on for like 5 minutes and my dinner is almost complete.

I didn't hear anything except some scolding in between and the rest were praises of the so called guy. She even has not met him yet to believe whatever she is telling right now.

He was downright rude in first meeting although he behaved after saying sorry's but that does not mean he should have behaved the way when we first talked. I am not going to forget that anytime soon.

"Mom! Ok! It's enough. I didn't misbehave. And better yet if I told you how he was, you wouldn't even believe me." I say as I get up from my seat shaking my head to her to take a spoonful of dal from bowl.

It's tasty. Hell! It feels so good to eat homemade food after eating hotel's spicy food. It's not like home made food isn't spicy but the hotel ones is too much. You got what I mean?

"Accha? (Oh?) What did he do?" She asks interestingly.

"Oh! You don't want to know. Believe me. What you have heard about him all those things will flew out of your mind when you hear his tell-tales from me." I say smirking as I take another bite form my papa's leftover.

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