Prolouge: Bitter cold touch

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I'm home, safe and sound from the outside world, it about mid winter where everything freezes. My dad works at the airport near by and my mom is in another country doing work. I lived her my entire life knowing only the bitter cold and the people here in town. When my dad comes home driving a semi, everything changed.
Hi. I'm Hazel, Hazel Waden, I am about 23 going on 24 years old. I do go to college and work at a grocery store part time since my parents want me to focus on my studies. I always thought I would have an normal life. Get married, raise a family, or even move to a place that is warmer. All that changed when I met him.
Oc: Hazel Waden
Age: 23-24
Gender: Female
Hair: Purple that fades into a bright blue
Eyes: Yellow(super rare eye color)
Extra info: She had a good few past relationships that end up making her seem heartless to other couples. She is more heartbroken than sad since Hazel lives in a town that word gets around quick. She is consider smart since she tutors high schoolers and middle schools. Like her dad, she has a way with fixing engines or any machine thing since her dad is an airport repair man.
Hobbies: Likes to spend her time quietly reading a book or writing. She tends to craft things with her hands out of boredom or project.
Health: Panic Attacks and really bad headaches
Guardian(s): Optimus Prime and Ratchet
It was morning at about 7:00 am in Crater Lake, Oregon. Half my work was done besides a report of where I lived.

"Hazel! I am going to work."dad yelled going in his old truck that broke down every single time at the grocery store.

"Alright Dad! Have a good day at work!"I said. He came into my room and set down a coffee.

"Thank you."I said and he nod heading off.

I watched him go down the steep drive way into black paved roads to the community below us. Where do I live. Welp. Oregon's only national park is my neighbor here. And I can see Crater Lake from my frosty window. I shiver at the sight knowing that the lake itself is actually a crater to a volcano. Why my parents live here. I do not know.

I would lived in some place warmer away from all the cold, but of course. That means I need to finish college first.

Hours later...


I finished another semester final paper before I got up and walked to the kitchen making hot coco for myself. I could hear an roar of an engine drive up the road thinking it was those boys down in Snowfall High. I peek to see an truck park in the drive way and dad come out waving his hat. I felt my mouth drop.

Mom going to kill him.

I quickly grab my winter wear and go to the porch.

"Where in the world did you get the semi?"I said and he snickered.

"One of the guys at my shop said he had this just sitting on his property. He said he would give it if I was able to fix his car and a customer."he said chuckling before I face palm.

"Mom gonna get ya. Ya know that."I said in mom accent and he nod.

"I know, but she won't mind if I told her it was for free. I practically stole this. Everything working great! And she doesn't need any repairs."he said.


Some reason I got a instant anger from the truck.

"No dad. The semi is a he."I said and Dad looked at me.

"If you say so babycakes. How about we go get your mom in this instead of the blue caravan?"he said. I paused looking at it.

"I dunno. You know how much stuff mom has when she comes home. Besides. I think it is a good time to let it cool down and chill out in the garage."I said.

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