Dumbass homosexual avoids feelings by creating a rivalry.

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You know that feeling? Of a burning frost?

Like that moment when you leave the warm comfort of your bed to get ready for school, but your room is freezing because you insist on having the fan on for that background white noise you need to fall asleep, but now it's super cold. This all leads to that odd frozen feeling in your fingertips, and when you go to pull on your shoes (made from something stupid like leather because dress code) and then suddenly there's this raging burn that fills your entire body and suddenly everything around you is too hot, too much, and it's sudden and new and scary. But it's also pleasant, like a wake-up call that you can still somewhat feel your legs without being stabbed to death with pins and needles. It's a pleasant pain that you yearn for yet simultaneously wish to never feel again.

Yeah, that feeling.

This is the best way that Roman Álvarez could express his reaction to meeting Virgil Sanders back in seventh grade.

Roman was confident moving up in the world, even if it meant being shoved down back to the rank of youngest in that school group. He was thrown into a room with about 30 other children he did not know. For a twelve year old who only recently figured out the following,

1) Where babies came from.

2) What puberty is.

3) He is super insecure about every aspect of himself.

3.5) He was great at hiding said insecurities with a god-complex.

4) 11-14 year olds are mean.

5) He was gay. Very gay. As in homosexual. Not straight. Big queer. A man attracted to other men. He likes boys. He wants to kiss boys. Not girls. Only boys. He has, and will never, find the female species attractive. Only boys. (If you're confused as to why Roman feels the need to clarify this with such intensity in seemingly personal notes, it's just to clarify how gay he was, just in case he becomes famous but dies tragically and future historians dare try to class him as straight. If he was honest, they would probably find a way.)

He was extremely confident, which may be out of character for most people in that situation, but not for Roman. He had this big plan on how to, not only survive middle school and make it to high school in one piece, but to also befriend his classmates with his charm, get awesome grades that will let him become either the youngest president or an actor, (he wasn't picky), and meet the love of his life sometime between the ages of eleven and sixteen.

(As well as look cool by eating a lollipop. He wasn't quite sure how, but it works in movies, so he brought a strawberry flavored lollipop which was currently hidden in his pocket.)

How hard could it be? Disney had showed him everything he needed to know about school. All he needed was a loyal best friend and an arch nemesis.

Luckily both of those roles were about to be filled without him doing so much as moving. If he had moved out of the doorway, then perhaps someone wouldn't have bumped into him and caused both of them to fall to the floor.

Roman noticed a hand that had been reached out to help him up. Another student, one of the female species, offering her assistance. He took it with a grateful smile.

"Thank you fair maiden, for your humble nature I ask that you find my charming talent good enough to be my friend," Roman asked, giving an odd semi bow he couldn't properly do due to the little space.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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