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Kami: good morning people today we will be having a duel

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Kami: good morning people today we will be having a duel. Also King someone sent you a cupcake.

Hands king a rainbow colored cupcake. With light blue frosting and a mini rainbow on top.

 With light blue frosting and a mini rainbow on top

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King: thank you for your offering. Yaya this cupcake makes me go yum yum.

Luz: sh que lindo(oh how cute)!

Amity: wait you said something about a duel. Who's going to duel who?

Kami: thank you for asking that will be Luz and Amity V.S. Boscha and Willow. Which reminds me. Boscha sweetheart get your arse over here.

Boscha: I'll punch you.

Kami: yeah yeah whatever. You guys have 1 hour to prepare. See you guys soon

Luz and Amity go to Luz's room to prepare for the fight. Boscha and Willow go to willows room to prepare.

Luz: ok I will be using the same sword I use when I went on that dangerous quest.

Amity: What! When did that happen?!

With willow and boscha

Boscha: I will be using fire spells and taunting to distract them enough so you can use your plant magic on them.

Willow: ok but careful with the fire we don't want to hurt them completely.

Boscha: aw come on your no fun.

Kami snaps her fingers and all 4 girls into a small stadium.

Kami: okay please be careful. F it gets to bad I'll stop the fight. Begin!

Boscha casts a fire spell and launches it at Amity. Luz jumps in front of her and uses her sword to launch the fire right back. Amity stands back to back with Luz making sure Willow didn't attempt anything. Boscha started taunting Luz trying to get her to lunge at her. Luz looked over her shoulder to check on Amity. Willow was distracting Amity from the front while sneaking  vine towards her. Luz lunges at the vine cutting it off trying before it got to her girlfriend. Boscha took the chance and shoot a fire ball towards Luz. Amity notices and tackled Luz to the ground causing the fire ball to miss. Amity summons an Abomination and causes it to chase after Boscha. Willow took the chance and started to cause the vines to wrap around the couple.

Luz: well hello there Miss.Blight lovely day isn't it?

Amity: not the time Luz.

Amity struggles to get the vines off but the vines slowly tightens so they are closer and closer. only a few inches away from each other. Boscha ran towards willow and picked her up spinning her around.

Boscha: we did it! Yes!

Amity smirked and took the chance that the couple were busy.

Amity: be careful I'm going to cast a spell

Luz pulled away a little so that they both might not get hurt. Amity casted the fire spell and started burning the vine. Slowly but surely the vines started breaking. Once the vines break they catch the couple's attention. Amity summons an abomination and Luz casts an Ice glyph. The Abomination traps Boscha and willow in its goo to the new ice pillar.

Amity: if you can get out in a minute than the fight continues

Luz: if you can't than we win.

A minute passes by and Boscha groan in distaste

Kami: well look at this sorry Boscha, Willow. The winners are Amity and Luz.

Amity: yes!

Luz: nah nah boo boo!

Kami: thanks for the dares please send more dares and truth. Thank you for your time.

Thanks to @unconventionalweird and @AmenaHuphery for the dares hope that you guys can help me with more dares. Thank you again.

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