10 - le changement

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There had to be something wrong. Something very wrong. Draco had known it from the moment Harry had appeared in front of them, the Triwizard cup deserted next to him and arms wrapped around Cedric's body. It hadn't been normal, the way Cedric's body hung in Harry's arms like a puppet. The music and the cheering had been loud but still Draco had heard Harry crying, spotted his tears from afar. And he had jumped off his seat, gathered all the energy he had left inside his body. 'Stop!' he had shouted, and it had been louder a sound than he had ever thought of being able to produce. Tears had welled up in his eyes as he had ran towards Harry, others following now that they had realized what had been going on.

Draco had almost tripped over Cedric's father's collapsed body on his way to Harry, a knife going through his heart at the sight. He had never seen Harry like that before; so sad, so angrily sad. As Draco had fallen to his knees next to the boy, he had tried to pull him away from Cedric — but he had kept shaking his head, kept telling him no. Draco had tried to soothe him, had tried to convince him to let go and that everything would be alright; but little had he known that all his words had been in French, that he had forgotten their English translations by the panicking of his soul.

And then he had tried to wrap his arms around Harry instead, hold him close to try and calm him down, but it had made the boy angry. Harry had pushed him away, made him stumble into the arms of his friends. A glance at Hermione and Ron and they had seemed to be equally confused. Harry didn't only seem sad anymore; he had become enraged. And Draco couldn't help but feel that it was because of him.

Dumbledore had been the only one able to pull him away, drag him back towards the castle and help him to calm down, professors by his side helping to control the grieving boy. And Draco's feet had followed them without hesitation, ran behind his sorrowful lover to protect him. But the vile look in Harry's green eyes that the boy had thrown in his direction, had been a look Draco had never received from him before. It had stopped his feet immediately, froze him to the spot and had made him unable to move any further. It had been a look of pure hate, a look cast upon him and not on anyone else. Draco's heart had filled with fear as he stood there, all alone. Not only for the fear of losing Harry but also for the fear of Voldemort's return.

☾ *:・゚✧

Three days after the Tournament, everything was still a chaotic mess; no lessons were given, students locked themselves up in their common rooms and Hogwarts seemed close to deserted. One of the only students still running around was Draco, hurrying himself through hallways to try and find Harry. He hadn't seen him ever since the night of the last task, the night Cedric had died, the night Voldemort had returned. Draco had tried many options like asking the Fat Lady for entry to the Gryffindor common room or even waiting in front of Dumbledore's office for hours on end. The Headmaster had offered him a cup of tea out of pity but hadn't known where Harry had been either. Harry was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Draco could see glimpses of red or the reflection of spectacles' glasses but there was no Harry; there was no lover anymore.

Draco couldn't help but think that Harry was mad at him for some reason and was avoiding him because of it. The way Hermione and Ron seemed to avoid him as well made it even more suspicious. But Draco eventually got ahold of the pair leaving the Great Hall after dinner, a dinner they hadn't attended the nights before. Draco himself hadn't had any meal in the Great Hall himself either, spent all his time searching for Harry instead. He stopped the curly girl and ginger boy in their pace, catching glimpses of surprise in their eyes. 'Where's Harry?' Draco asked straight away.

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